smoking gun

时间:2024-07-09 05:22:26编辑:奇事君

Smoking Gun 歌词

歌曲名:Smoking Gun歌手:Robert Cray专辑:Audio's Audiophile, vol.6: Best Blue GuitarsI get a constant busy signal when I call you on the phoneRobert CrayI get a strong uneasy feeling you're not sitting there aloneI'm having nasty, nasty visions and baby, you're in every one one, yeahAnd I'm so afraid I'm gonna find you with that so-called smoking gunMaybe you wanna end it, you've had your fill of my kind of funI put 2 and 1 together and we know that's not an even sumAnd I know just where to catch you with that well-known smoking gunI'm standing here bewildered, I can't remember just what I've doneI can hear the sirens whining, my eyes blinded by the sunI know that I should be running, my heart's beating just like a drumNow they've knocked me down and taken it- that still hot smoking gun

Smoking Gun 歌词

歌曲名:Smoking Gun歌手:Robert Cray专辑:Authorized Bootleg - Live, Outdoor Concert, Austin, Texas, 5/25/87Smoking GunYou shot me through the heart, yeahWith your smoking gunNever saw you comingAnd I was on the runI never heard a sound'Till I hit the groundYou shot me through the heartWith your smoking gunNever ever thought about settling downHad too much fun, tearing up the townI had the fastest gun in the west'Till you put it to the testYou shot me through the heart, yeahWith your smoking gunNever saw you comingAnd I was on the runI never heard a sound'Till I hit the groundYou shot me through the heartWith your smoking gunShe's so fine, I'd quit my player waysAll this lying has become a prayerCalling me sweetly, give your tendernessSo I can lay my guns to restYou shot me through the heart, yeahWith your smoking gunNever saw you comingAnd I was on the runI never heard a sound'Till I hit the groundYou shot me through the heartWith your smoking gun, yeah(Shot me with your smoking gun)I never thougt about it, baby(Shot me with your smoking gun)But you're only what I need, yeah, yeah(Shot me with your smoking gun)You'll be my baby(Shot me with your smoking gun)(Shot me with your smoking gun)All that I need(Shot me with your smoking gun)(Shot me with your smoking gun)(Shot me with your smoking gun)

Smoking Gun 歌词

歌曲名:Smoking Gun歌手:Robert Cray专辑:20th Century Masters: The Best Of Robert CrayI get a constant busy signal when I call you on the phoneRobert CrayI get a strong uneasy feeling you're not sitting there aloneI'm having nasty, nasty visions and baby, you're in every one one, yeahAnd I'm so afraid I'm gonna find you with that so-called smoking gunMaybe you wanna end it, you've had your fill of my kind of funI put 2 and 1 together and we know that's not an even sumAnd I know just where to catch you with that well-known smoking gunI'm standing here bewildered, I can't remember just what I've doneI can hear the sirens whining, my eyes blinded by the sunI know that I should be running, my heart's beating just like a drumNow they've knocked me down and taken it- that still hot smoking gun

SMOKING GUN~决定的证据~的剧集评价

由香取慎吾主演的《SMOKINGGUN》的首话也不甚理想,原因无它,这便是这部剧太像富士台过去的月九《LUCK 7》,以致故事以后的推进也没有太多的新鲜感。不过只是首话,未来的发展还是未知数。与其它这类侦探事务所的开场一样,本剧的主演流田绿在开篇时便饱受了丧失爱人之苦,在几年之后则以物证方面的私家侦探出现在众人面前。在商场中成功解决了一起痴汉冤案后便进入了本剧女主角石卷樱子的眼中。石卷的父亲因火灾而身故,但保险公司却断定其为自杀,并拒绝支付理赔款,这使得本已负债累累的家庭变的更不堪重负。流田便是靠着自己的知识与技术来试着推翻保险公司的判断,但在调查之前,他也指明了真相可能无法带来幸福。这里好的一点便是没有太多的高科技元素,虽然装备之类的有些噱头,但只要拥有高中的理科知识便能看明白首话中的推理。其中最重要的就是两点,一是起火点,二是生石灰遇水发生热化学反应。只是父亲为女儿找项链而死的情节太俗套,使得煽情有些太突然。一般这类侦探作品的特点便是人人都有黑历史,首话的石卷便借机加入了团队,相信最后一话的焦点便是主角自己。(搜狐娱乐评论)


电影一开始就用西班牙语摆出了尼采在《善恶之彼岸》中的第146条格言,一个英文表述是“He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.”与怪物搏斗的人要警惕自己成为怪物,凝视深渊者也将被深渊所凝视。借着男主角的话为这个主旨提供了描述:所恨的人离我们总是不远,所爱的人也不能亲密无间。
2《调音师 L'accordeur》 (2010)
Adrien 是一位天才钢琴家,他以钢琴调音作为谋生手段。为此,他想出一个非常特别的工作方法,就是装成盲人去为他的客户服务,这样客户会对他有更多的优待。
由于看到了不应该看到的东西,Adrien 成为一桩谋杀案的目击证人……


法国优秀的悬疑片有很多种,比如《穆赫兰道》、《私人采购员》、《调音师》这些评分还是比较高的,我们来一起看一看。1、《穆赫兰道》《穆赫兰道》(Mulholland Dr.)是大卫·林奇执导的一部悬疑惊悚片,由娜奥米·沃茨、劳拉·哈灵主演。影片主要讲述了经历了一场在蜿蜒的穆赫兰道上并令其失忆的车祸后,丽塔和一个立志要做好莱坞演员的女孩围绕着洛杉矶寻找线索和答案,随之而来的是一个扭曲的超乎梦想与现实的冒险。初看《穆赫兰道》那充斥着神经质的桥段,会令人有觉大卫·林奇是故弄玄虚的,但这是一部需要去品味更是值得去品味深思的力作,当你茅塞顿开之时才能真正领会这部电影运用光与影构筑了影史里程碑式的悬疑架构,这样的梦境多么难得!2、《私人采购员》《私人采购员》是奥利维耶·阿萨亚斯执导的剧情影片,由克里斯汀·斯图尔特、西格丽德·波瓦兹、安德斯·丹尼尔森·李等主演。《私人采购员》可以算作一部标准恐怖片。影片的格局和两条线索都异常清晰,但正当这两条线索交汇之处,混乱突如其来,或许是连导演本人也没有想清楚,如何把这两种灵异现象联系起来,暧昧结尾部分使得观众看得一头雾水,故事也颇有无疾而终之感。最令人诟病是影片末尾还添加上了一个颇为心灵鸡汤的结局,阐述亲人之爱超越生死,而让阿萨亚斯之前苦心经营的逼格都毁于一旦。虽然影片的结局非常影响观众对全片的判断,但《私人采购员》依然有极多令人回味的地方,单是阿萨亚斯文质彬彬,慢条斯理构建鬼故事的方式,就与传统恐怖片以悚人视听来渲染的廉价手段截然不同。3、《调音师》《调音师》是由奥利维耶·特雷内执导,格雷戈瓦·勒普兰斯-林盖、格莱高利·嘉德波瓦主演的法语惊悚片。对于短片来说,浓缩的必须是精华,本片成功的做到了这点。调音师肯定是被杀死了(我看的视频标题就提示重看开头。。。),他相信自己的演技完美无瑕,那是因为之前他并没遇到真正要挑战他演技的人。跳舞的少女也许本身就是个暴露狂,餐厅的服务员(钱是对的,调音师故意找茬)对于调音师到底是不是个盲人并不感兴趣,因为这跟他没有利益冲突。主人公的确花了很多功夫去学怎么做一个盲人,他的演技应付之前的角色都是绰绰有余了,但是直到他生命的最后一天,他才遇到了真正的挑战。

