rape day

时间:2024-06-23 09:29:43编辑:奇事君


【 #英语资源# 导语】梨花万朵分外白,伫立墓前悲满怀。冥币翻飞情归去,香烟缭缭子规来。清泪千行湿冢土,满腔怀念今日诉。先人难见今日柳,后辈永记前辈恩。 考 网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 1.清明节英语作文范文   Another year is Tomb Sweeping Day, also known as grave sweeping day, which is the day when we pay tribute to our dead relatives and go to their graves.   Today, I got up very early because I was going to the countryside to go to my grandfather's grave. My grandfather's grave was in a county next to us. It took about an hour to take the bus. It shook all the way and arrived unconsciously. As soon as I got off the bus, wow! There are so many people! The county and the countryside got together today. We first went to the street to buy some small paper works and went up the mountain. It is said that there was a lot of rain during the Qingming Festival. This year's Qingming Festival is different. It's sunny. We can see the ancestral tombs on the mountain all the way. We first went to Grandpa's grave. According to our custom here, we should first remove the weeds next to the grave, and then carry out the ancestor worship ceremony, This year, the government stipulated that incense burning paper could not be lit on the mountain to avoid fire, so we just pressed some paper money on the grave symbolically, and surrounded the grave with YINGSHANHONG picked by ourselves.   After sweeping grandpa's grave, we have to sweep grandpa's grave again. After crossing a mountain, we arrive. Grandpa died of illness, so he is very young. On Grandpa's grave, grandma remembered many of Grandpa's past events and cried loudly. We all felt the same sadness when we pressed her down the mountain.   The one-day tomb sweeping activity ended in this way. Although it was difficult to climb the mountain, I finished the activity smoothly with the team. I like Tomb Sweeping Day. 2.清明节英语作文范文   Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My family is going to visit the grave. It's a nice day today. It's sunny. We are driving an electric car with gentle warm wind blowing in front of us. It's so comfortable! On the way, we saw a large area of rape flowers, tender yellow, so beautiful! I can't help thinking of the words of the small yellow warbler in the color of spring rain: "the spring rain is yellow. The spring rain falls on the rape field and the rape flowers are yellow." We moved on and finally reached the cemetery. Grandparents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, they have been waiting there for a long time. Some of them were folding paper money, some were pulling weeds, and some were sweeping leaves with a broom. I hurried to help. I picked up many small stones and pressed a piece of red paper and white paper on the tomb circle. We swept several tombs and made me sweat all over. Finally to the last cemetery. Grandma, they burned the paper money and began to set off firecrackers. After setting off firecrackers, Grandpa began to give money. Many people came to pay money, and I also shared several yuan.   After sweeping the tomb, we are going home. My sister and I are at the front. The scenery on the mountain is wonderful! My sister and I also picked several YINGSHANHONG!   Today is really a happy day! 3.清明节英语作文范文   In the twinkling of an eye, the annual Qingming Festival on April 5 came again.   Today, my parents took me up the mountain to worship my grandfather. Soon we came to Grandpa's grave. I only saw that the front of the tomb was covered with tall weeds. My mother quickly picked up the hoe to hoe the grass. Seeing my father's seriousness in weeding, I can see how much my mother cares about my dead grandfather! After hoeing the grass, my mother put her hand on my shoulder and said, "hang, come and worship my grandfather and tell me your wishes."   I came to the grave and knelt on my knees, Two hands in one: "Grandpa, even though you have been dead for many years, we still care about you. Grandma is very lonely and boring at home alone. But don't worry, we will take good care of her mother-in-law and make her eat well, dress well, sleep well, even tell stories and jokes to make her happy! Accompany her through her happy old age. Grandpa, you are in heaven, please bless our family safe and happy ! Rest in peace! " Then, we lit incense and candles, hung paper money, and then Dad began to set off firecrackers... We reluctantly left.   I will always remember this beautiful Qingming Festival! 4.清明节英语作文范文   It's very hot this afternoon. At one o'clock, my brother and I each grabbed a bag of paper flowers. My father took paper money and food. The three of us went up the mountain first. My mother and aunt were going to visit the tomb on the mountain later.   There are two roads in front of us. We still chose the previous road. My mother and aunt rushed from behind for fear of being too late. The stones were uneven and the branches blocked everyone's way. I almost fell. 5.清明节英语作文范文   A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. Asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance.   During the Qingming Festival, most of those who come and go on the road come back to worship their ancestors. Some live here, while others come back from afar.   On this day, my father and I went to the mountain to visit the grave. As usual, there were so many people. So that my father and I stopped and walked for a long time before we came to the tomb of an ancestor. Especially because of the light rain in recent days, some roads on the mountain are muddy and difficult to walk.   When I came to the tomb of my ancestors, my father brought new paint and re painted some invisible words to make him brighter. Then I cleaned it up with my father. After cleaning it up, I put out all the tributes. The next step is to offer incense as usual, and then pay homage again after a period of time, and then collect the tribute. Like this, my father and I went to worship several other ancestors. It was about 1 p.m. here that the matter was finished.   My father and I sat in the car. I looked out of the window. It was raining. 6.清明节英语作文范文   Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My parents and I went back to our hometown to visit the grave. On the way to sweep the grave, our car passed all the flat and spacious roads. When we got to the cemetery, we saw a sea of people there, all carrying forward the fine tradition of our Chinese nation - Tomb sweeping. When we got to my ancestral grave, I thought people were burning paper, but I didn't smell a cigarette. Again, it turns out that people's is to insert a beautiful flower on the grave. After a while, the tomb sweeping was over. After saying goodbye to our grandparents, we returned to Yancheng. The first feeling after returning home is: the changes in the countryside are too great!   In the past, my grandfather's generation used to walk on muddy roads and ride bicycles. When it rained, they were in trouble. They didn't ride bicycles with Ben, but "cyclists". Moreover, the agricultural smoke from burning paper during tomb sweeping is rolling. In our current term, it is white pollution. Now, I drive a car and take a flat road. When I sweep the grave, I insert flowers. And today, people still do not forget the fine traditions of our country, and everyone respects the old and loves the young.   Today, although our living standards have improved, we should still not forget our fine traditions. 7.清明节英语作文范文   Tomb Sweeping Day is coming, and every family goes to the grave. This morning, I was also awakened by my parents to go to my grandfather's grave.   Grandma took out the folded paper money and put it in the prepared money bag. Dad wrote grandpa's name on the money bag, that is to say, the "money" was prepared for Grandpa.   Soon, uncle drove to pick us up. At the cemetery, many people are already sweeping the grave. Beside the cemetery, there are chrysanthemums for selling graves and folded paper money. Grandma went straight to Grandpa's cemetery with a paper bag. Dad brought an iron bucket, which is used for burning paper money. Uncle took a clean rag and wiped it on Grandpa's tombstone. He was talking about something, as if he were chatting with Grandpa. I didn't understand it. Can grandpa hear me? Dad lit the lighter, and the paper money flew to Grandpa's world in a smoke. I also told my parents, "the teacher said that you can't burn paper money for Tomb Sweeping during the Qingming Festival, which will pollute the environment." But they said, "this is the rule left by our ancestors. Burn less."   We said goodbye to Grandpa one by one. On the way back, uncle told me that grandpa was a hard-working man and a good man. 8.清明节英语作文范文   Today is the annual Tomb Sweeping Day. We go to the grave with reverence.   In the morning, I got up early and was very excited, but my family hadn't cooked the lunch yet. Finally, I'm leaving. I'm happy to visit the grave in my father's car against the warm spring breeze. To the destination, there is no noise of the city, there is no car exhaust, there are green grass, colorful flowers, and clear water, swimming with lively and lovely fish.   This is really a pollution-free holy land.   We moved things into the small room. My mother took candles and Jiulong would go to the grave to worship. The paths in the mountains were full of green weeds and colorful wild flowers. Pine trees stood like soldiers defending. After a while, after the worship, we began to eat lunch. I couldn't wait to grab the drink, pour it into the cup and eat a lot of things, My stomach is never full. "Go back." At the command of my father, we sorted out our things and went back. I had to leave the mountain forest reluctantly. 9.清明节英语作文范文   Looking forward to, looking forward to, winter goes and spring comes. We went for an outing in Gulin park with our teacher.   First of all, we leave school at 8:15 and go to Gulin park. As soon as I arrived at the gate of Gulin Park, I smelled bursts of fragrance. I can't wait to run in and have a look. Ah, it's the fragrance of plum blossom. To tell you the truth, among all the flowers, my favorite is plum blossom. It doesn't compete with other flowers; It doesn't send out strong fragrance like other flowers, it just sends out a faint fragrance... However, it's precisely because of its elegant and noble quality, so I like it very much.   The petals of chrysanthemum are not as big as those of plum blossom. It's about the same size as Osmanthus fragrans, and its fragrance is no worse than Osmanthus fragrans. It's really charming!   After watching my favorite plum blossom, we also went to the first tower in Jiangsu - Jiangsu TV Tower.   First of all, we took the high-speed elevator. It only takes 30 seconds to go back and forth at an altitude of 200 meters, with an average rise or fall of 6 meters per second. I couldn't help sighing: "today's science and technology is really developed!"   At the top, we saw an air turntable restaurant. I couldn't help but rush to the turntable and observe it carefully. "Qu Xiao, come and see!" The classmate said, oh, there is a piece of transparent glass here. "Wow, the people below are so small!" "No, no one can see..."   However, the happy time is always short. We are also very happy. We had a great time today! 10.清明节英语作文范文   Today, my father and I went to sifangtian village for spring outing.   When we came to sifangtian village, we scanned the endless fields. Ah! What a sifangtian village. It is really a beautiful small mountain village. As we walked forward step by step, our eyes were full of green: yellow green, green, dark green... Of course, there were many vegetables: celery, coriander, lettuce, cabbage, cabbage... A gust of wind blew, and many dishes at the station bent down; Peach blossoms spread out their pink face, which is very cute. We came to the river and saw many fish. There are perch, crucian carp, carp and silver carp... The fish rippled in the river, and some even spit bubbles from time to time. What's the sound of "rustle"?   I followed the sound step by step. It turned out that several beautiful village girls were washing their clothes by the clear stream. They sang country songs loudly as they washed their clothes. Suddenly, I saw a dish that didn't grow together like coriander. I asked my father curiously, "Dad, what is this?" My father told me it was shepherd's purse, a kind of edible dish. He saw many shepherd's purse and said to me, "Yangyang, let's dig shepherd's purse together!" So we started digging. At first, I didn't know him, so I asked my father to teach me. My father pointed out that I would dig. Later, when I met, I dug it up myself. After a while, I dug a bag. So we dug a lot of shepherd's purse.   Looking at the setting sun, we reluctantly went home.


【 #英语资源# 导语】清明节上坟祭祖是我国特有的传统文化,在这个特殊的节日里可以表达我们对亲人的思念之情。 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。 1.清明节英语作文   April 5 is a traditional festival in China. Whenever I arrive at this festival, I will think of the poem "Qingming" written by Du Mu: it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. On this day, people all over the country are going to visit the graves of their dead relatives. Family reunion, or ancestor worship, tomb sweeping, or youth tour.   On this day, my parents will take me to miaohongshan cemetery in Fuzhou, sweep the tomb of my dead grandfather, and climb the mountain with incense and paper money. My mother also bought a bunch of flowers. We put flowers in front of Grandpa's tomb with a sad mood. Looking at the picture of my dead grandfather, my mother and I couldn't help crying. My mother told me that grandpa was a kind man. Dad redrew the words on Grandpa's tombstone with red paint. I silently told grandpa in my heart: I have grown up. Grandpa, if you are still alive now, how good it is!   I also saw some people nearby burning paper money and others crying. At this time, my mother also began to burn paper money, so I hurried to help my mother burn paper money. After burning the paper money, we made a deep bow in front of Grandpa's grave and said, "I wish grandpa bless our family peace and harmony in heaven."      How I like Qingming Festival. Because this day can give some gifts to the dead relatives to show their respect. 2.清明节英语作文   In the bright spring of April, the Qingming Festival came to the world again. There is neither wind nor rain. This year's Qingming Festival has a clear sky and bright sunshine. In such weather, how nice it is to go to the grave and go for an outing!!   That morning, in my hometown of Xinghua, willow branches were planted in front of every household, which is said to ward off evil spirits. After breakfast, I went to the cemetery with my parents. Walking along the country road, I saw green wheat seedlings, golden rape flowers and colorful wild flowers. I felt the beauty of my hometown. After a while, we came to the public cemetery in the northeast of the village. There were grave sweepers everywhere, including adults, the elderly and many children. They all looked serious. Some squatted and burned paper money silently; Some stood and bowed respectfully to the tombstone of their ancestors. The graveyard was filled with a solemn atmosphere.   Walking on the soft dirt road and with a heavy heart, my parents and I came to the tombstone of our ancestors to clean, clean, burn paper money and worship our ancestors. Everything was the same as before, but I was one year older. Bathed in the brilliant sunshine, looking at the paper money ash flying in the air and listening to the sound of firecrackers from time to time, I silently said in my heart: ancestors, you have a good rest under the nine springs!   On the way back, people come and go in an endless stream, but the sun is still so bright, I can't help sighing: how short human life is, and how beautiful it is to live! Qingming Festival is a day to remember our ancestors and let us know how to cherish them. 3.清明节英语作文   It was another holiday Thursday, which coincided with the Tomb Sweeping Day. In order to enable us to worship our ancestors, the whole family drove to the countryside to visit tombs.   We went up the mountain. With a heavy heart, we came to the grave to worship our ancestors and ask for their blessing. Let's also let our children who are young and talented get good grades and live up to the expectations of your elders; It also makes the whole family healthy and happy   As soon as we got there, we began to burn incense and paper money for our ancestors. We began to set off firecrackers. My father asked my brother and I to arrange the firecrackers. It took us a long circle to set off the firecrackers.   Dad said, "I'm going to start lighting firecrackers." My mother, grandmother, brother and I hurried to one side. My father began to light. My brother and I tied firecrackers together. However, our firecrackers connected by several firecrackers were disconnected, so dad wanted to ignite one by one.   Today, I finished sweeping the tombs of my ancestors. My family went down the mountain together. 4.清明节英语作文   It's the traditional Tomb Sweeping Day for my father and mother. Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Along the way, the spring is bright and sunny. The golden rape flowers and pink peach flowers are so beautiful!   The Tomb Sweeping Day is full of people who go up the mountain to visit the tomb. There are forests of trees and the roads on the trees are winding. Occasionally, you can hear a few clear songs. It's very lively to go up the mountain.   Adults prepared all kinds of food to worship their ancestors. We also brought hoes and shovels. It was interesting to sweep the tomb. First, my father took a hoe to weed, and I took a shovel to add soil. Then my mother lit candles and took some food to worship our ancestors. To show the filial piety of our descendants, I said to my ancestors, "bless me to study well." Mother's mouth is also saying to our ancestors to bless our family. 5.清明节英语作文   The annual Qingming Festival is coming again. It is said that "there is a lot of rain during the Qingming Festival". There is no rain this year. It is sunny for three days in a row.   Every year on the Tomb Sweeping Day, I think of the Tomb Sweeping Day written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. "It rains in succession during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is. The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." On this day, people have to take sacrifices and sweep the grave in the cemetery to commemorate the dead relatives.   Every year, my parents will take me back to Huian hometown to visit the grave. This time, we are going to sweep the tombs of grandparents. My grandfather was an officer and fought in the war when he was young. He also founded a school called "Jinshui primary school" for his hometown. Every year on the Tomb Sweeping Day, all the teachers and students of Jinshui primary school go to his grave to lay a wreath to sweep the grave and commemorate the revolutionary martyrs! Today, we came to his tomb early in the morning to offer flowers and then put the sacrifice on it. Let's say goodbye at his grave. We also borrowed sickles to clean up the weeds and miscellaneous trees around us, and watered several pine trees nearby.   Therefore, we should learn the spirit of patriotism and love his family. Finally, we all took a picture together and went home happily. 6.清明节英语作文   The annual Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. My father and I go to pay a memorial service to my grandfather who has gone to heaven.   My father and I went to burn paper money for Grandpa today. When we got to Grandpa's tombstone, I thought of grandpa when he was alive. The most unforgettable thing for me is the figure of Grandpa shaking his firewood legs. When his father went to school, Grandpa herded cattle every day in order to support his family. At that time, Grandpa only wore this cloth shoe in winter, or an open toed rag shoe. Grandpa couldn't buy a pair of good shoes because his legs were broken!   Grandpa, I want to say to you: life is better now. Grandpa, you never thought of happiness in your life. Don't be reluctant to spend money in heaven. We burned a lot of paper money for you! You should spend the flowers. Don't worry about us. We're fine. Live a good life in heaven. Don't worry about us.   Grandpa, I love you! 7.清明节英语作文   Qingming has come. Somehow, it rains heavily at this time of year. As Du Mu said, "it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls."   On this day, we just went to worship our dead relatives.   When we came to Changguo temple, we were sweating. Looking at the next road, we saw that the winding mountain road was muddy and looked very difficult to walk! But considering the purpose of coming here, we still summoned up our confidence and walked forward carefully. Ah, mud and water, the road between water and mud is so slippery! If you are not careful, you may become a "mud Bodhisattva". After a period of hard walking, I finally came to my destination.   Here the birds are singing and the air is fresh. When I came to the grave, I saw my uncle take out the prepared food, put the chopsticks, then take out and light candles, incense and paper money, and then kneel down one by one in front of the grave. When it was my turn, I suddenly remembered the scenes when my grandmother was alive. The space in the corner of my eyes was filled with tears. At this moment, I understand what it is to cherish after losing 8.清明节英语作文   It is also the annual Tomb Sweeping Day. Every family goes to sweep tombs, some go to the monument to the revolutionary martyrs, and some burn some paper money in front of the tombs of their relatives to represent their grief.   On the Tomb Sweeping Day, according to the previous custom, when sweeping the tomb, people should bring wine, fruits, paper money and other items to the cemetery, burn the paper money, cultivate new soil for the tomb, fold a few fresh green branches and insert them on the grave, and then bow down to worship. In the poem "Tomb Sweeping Day" written by Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty, "it rains in succession during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. May I ask where the restaurant is? The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village from a distance." Wrote the special atmosphere of Qingming Festival.   Until today, the custom of worshipping ancestors and mourning the dead relatives on Qingming Festival is still very popular. 9.清明节英语作文   Qingming Festival is coming soon. The teacher said the origin of Qingming Festival.   Today, my parents will take me to worship my relatives and my grandparents. Our family embarked on the sad road of worshipping their loved ones and came to the grave. My mother and I found a burning pit to burn the incense and paper money prepared by my grandmother and grandfather. A wisp of tea, two red candles, accompanied by the burning Ming coin, the familiar faces of relatives emerge in front of us. When an old friend goes like this, it is hard to break his heart.   Then Dad went to buy fruit. I think it's for us? oh No, it's also used to worship our ancestors.   Wisps of smoke and dust repose the boundless sorrow for relatives, and the red candle is clearly the sad tears shed by remembering relatives. We kowtow to the graves of our ancestors and pray: may all relatives and souls in heaven be reborn and rest in peace! May relatives live happily in heaven! May they bless our family peace and happiness in heaven.   Worthy of being a traditional festival of our Chinese nation, it is so meaningful, much more interesting and profound than western festivals. 10.清明节英语作文   On Tomb Sweeping Day, after my parents had prepared the tribute early in the morning, I took a quick taxi and went back to my hometown, which is beautiful and rich with birds and flowers and fertile fields. On the way to the tomb, there are many beautiful flowers, including red Yingshan red, golden chrysanthemums and purple lavender... It's so beautiful!   When they arrived at their destination, mom and dad began to hoe the weeds next to the cemetery. Some families with large cemeteries also used hoes and sickles. They cut the grass of the cemetery neatly just as barbers carefully cut their customers with scissors. It can be seen that people attach great importance to tomb sweeping. Next, mom and dad began to put colorful wreaths on the grave, and then put incense, fruits and other tributes in front of the grave. Then mom and dad put paper money next to the grave and burned it. Finally, mom and dad kowtowed in front of the grave and prayed for their safety and health and well-being!   There is always a sour feeling in my heart when I think of my deceased relatives. Those relatives taken away by the years, I hope you are all well in heaven


If Everyone Cared,Far Away,Animals,If Today Was Your Last Day

The Offspring——
You're Gonna Go Far Kid,The Kids Aren't Alright,All I Want,Can't Repeat

好把戏合唱团(Hoobastank)——I Don't Think I Love You

Powerman 5000——Free

ana johnsson——we are

Simple Plan——
Your Love Is A Lie,Perfect World,Welcome To My Life
Fighting,Way Away
先推荐这些,像green day sum41,blinks182的估计楼主都听过了


pay money to my pain: from here to somewhere

(最喜欢的两个日本乐队pay money to my pain和supe)

The Used :all that i've go

seether:break down

Skillet:whispers in the dark skillet


Ill Nino-What You Deserve

simple plan:crazy

Suede - Everything Will Flow

狂野夏洛克:Victims Of Love

Zebrahead: Falling Apart



Bon jovi:you give love a bad name

Sunrise Avenue-The Whole Story

Senses Fail - Bite To Break Skin

Within Temptation:Our Solemn Hour

Open Wounds(越听越爱)


西餐 (Western Food)


Smoked Salmon

Marinated Salmon with Lemon and Capers

Caesar Salad

Chicken Liver Terrine with Morels

Baked Stuffed Crab Shell

Seafood Salad with Fresh Fruit

Chef's Salad

Tuna Fish Salad

Salad Nicoise


Cream of Mushroom Soup

Cream of Carrot Soup

Cream of Asparagus Soup

Traditional Tomato Soup

Seafood Chowder

French Onion Soup

Beef Consomme

Hungarian Beef Goulash

Oxtail Soup

Minestrone Soup

Hearty Lentil Soup

Chilled Avocado Soup



Braised Goose Liver in Red Wine

Chicken Cordon Bleu

Grilled Stuffed Chicken Rolls

Braised Chicken with Red Wine

Baked Chicken Breast Stuffed with Mushrooms and Cheese

Deep-Fried Chicken and Bacon Rolls

Poached Chicken Breast with Balsamico Sauce

Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce

Roast Stuffed Turkey

Barbecued Chicken Leg

Roasted Lemon Marinade Chicken Leg with French Fries

Char-Grilled Chicken Breast

Chicken Curry

Pan-fried Duck Breast with Sautéed Potatoes and Truffles


Stewed Beef

Fricasseed Veal

Grilled Beef Tenderloin with Black Pepper Sauce

Grilled Beef Rib-Eye Steak

Roast Beef Sirloin Steak with Red Wine Sauce

T-Bone Steak

Roast Beef

Beef Tenderloin and Goose Liver with Truffle and Port Wine Sauce

Beef Tenderloin Steak with Green Peppercorn Sauce

Sizzling Sirloin Steak

Pan-fried Veal Steak Oscar with Hollandaise Sauce

Beef Curry

Fillet Steak Wellington

Beef Stroganoff

Braised Ox-Tongue

Osso Bucco

Venison Fillet Black Pepper Coat with Wild Mushroom and Celery Brick


Barbecued Spare Ribs

Smoked Spare Ribs with Honey

Pork Piccatta

Stuffed Poke Roulade With Yellow Peach Sauce

Pan-fried Swiss Meat Loaf with Pesto Sauce

Deep-Fried Pork Chop


Grilled Lamb Chop

Grilled New Zealand Lamb Chop

Roast Lamb Chop with Cheese and Red Wine Sauce

Lamb Kebabs

Roasted Mutton Leg


Seafood Kebabs

Grilled Tuna Steak

Grilled Norwegian Salmon Fillet

Grilled Salmon with Lime Butter

Braised Sole fillet & Sea Scallops with Red Wine and Walnuts

Pan-fried Whole Sole

Roasted Salmon Fillet With Pesto Black Olive Purée

Roasted Salmon Steak With Tagliatelle & Saffron Sauce

Grilled Red Snapper Fillet

Grilled Fish Fillet in Lemon Butter Sauce

Grille king Prawns

Grilled King Prawns with Garlic Herb Butter

Baked Lobster with Garlic Butter

Gratinated Lobster in Mornay Sauce

Deep-Fried Squid Rings

Gratinated Mussels Hollandaise Sauce


Fried Eggs with Ham

Quiche Lorraine

Scrambled Eggs


Macaroni with Seafood

Spaghetti with Seafood

Cheese Lasagna

Pizza Vegetarian

Seafood Pizza

Roast Beef and Mushroom Pizza

Spaghetti Bolognaise

Cheese Ravioli in Herbed Cream Sauce

Stir-Fried Seafood Rice with Curry

Saffron Rice

Couscous with Vegetables


Beef Burger

Chicken Burger

American Hot Dog

Club Sandwich

Tuna Fish Sandwich


上一篇:清明节 翻译
