清明节 翻译

时间:2024-06-23 09:27:14编辑:奇事君


Tomb Sweeping Day.1、读音:英 [tuːm ˈswiːpɪŋ deɪ],美 [tuːm ˈswiːpɪŋ deɪ]。2、例句:Days before Tomb Sweeping Day, this cemetery in northeastern Jilin Province sees a drastic increase of visitors. 清明节前几天,吉林省东北部一个墓地,扫墓的人急剧上升。Tomb Sweeping Day is our country traditional festival, is also offer sacrifices to festival most importantly, is the day which worships ancestors and visits grave. 清明节是我国传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀节日,是祭祖和扫墓的日子。Prior to the advent of this Tomb Sweeping Day, he thinks of his late daddy and the unforgettable past. 这年清明节前,他又想起了自己的父亲,也想起了这段不同寻常的往事。China has listed traditional Tomb Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival as legal holidays, which brings more paid leaves to the public, and is conducive to awaken the public awareness of traditional festivals. 近年来,国家将清明、端午、中秋等传统节日列为法定节假日,在给公众更多休假福利的同时,一些专家也认为,此举有利于唤醒公众对传统节日的认识。The 22-year-old never thought of going to so many places when he completed his first trip to Yangzhou during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday in his freshman year. 22岁的唐人立在大一学期那个清明节假期首次踏上旅程,前往扬州。那时的他从未想到自己会游历如此多的地方。Certain folk customs on the Dragon Boat Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day, and other traditional festivals have gradually disappeared. 原本产生于民间的端午节、清明节等传统节日,一些节俗也已不再见于民间。Water burials also help prevent traffic jams during Tomb Sweeping Day, the traditional festival for visiting the dead, he added. 他补充说,海葬还有助于避免在祭拜先人的传统节日清明节(Tome Sweeping Day)时的交通拥堵。


清明节:Tomb-Sweeping Day或者Qing Ming Festival作为节日和节气的清明节,它们的英文说法是不同的。作为节日的清明节一般翻译为“Tomb Sweeping Festival”或者“Tomb-sweeping Day”,扫墓节或扫墓日。这个翻译着重强调了清明节的重要习俗“扫墓”。这种说法的好处是,老外一听就能大概明白这个节日的背后含义。再谈到作为节气的清明,它被译为“Clear and Bright”,清洁和明亮。我们也不难发现,这种译法强调的是清明时节的气候状况,和其他节气的翻译出发点一致。比如立夏被译为“Summer begins”、小寒、大寒分别被译为“Slight cold”和“Great cold”。清明是二十四节气之一,在仲春与暮春之交,也就是冬至后的第108天。中国汉族传统的清明节大约始于周代,距今已有二千五百多年的历史。


fighting 英 ['faɪtɪŋ]     美 ['faɪtɪŋ]    释义:n. 对抗;打架;加油英英释义Noun:the act of fighting; any contest or struggle;战斗的行为;任何竞赛或斗争;例句用作名词(n.)1、They're fighting for the world title tonight.他们今晚争夺世界冠军。2、He tried to provoke them into fighting.他企图挑拨他们打架。扩展资料:近义词的用法encourage 英 [ɪn'kʌrɪdʒ]     美 [ɪn'kɜːrɪdʒ]    释义:vt. 鼓励;促进;支持名词: encourager 过去式: encouraged 过去分词: encouraged 现在分词: encouraging第三人称单数: encourages词语用法v.(动词)1、encourage的基本意思是“鼓励”,指给予意志薄弱的人或缺乏经验的人不畏艰险、困苦的勇气和信心,或者提高某人的情绪,去迎接或完成艰巨的任务,引申可表示为“怂恿”“促进”“助长”“援助”等。2、encourage只用作及物动词,通常接名词、代词或“名词所有格〔物主代词〕+动名词”作宾语; 也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,此时动词不定式可能指未来的动作,也可指正在进行的动作。例句用作及物动词(vt.)1、Her success encouraged me to try the same thing.她的成功鼓励我尝试做同样的事。2、Her parents encouraged her in her studies.她的父母鼓励她好好学习。


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