
时间:2024-06-22 05:25:48编辑:奇事君


1.人教版六年级上册英语教案 教学目标   1. 听懂会读Let’s talk。并能做灵活替换练习。   2.能够听、说、认读句子:What does your mother do? She is a TV reporter.并在现实生活中能够灵活运用,做到语音准确,语调自然。   3.会唱歌曲《My family》,并能替换歌词演唱。   教学重难点   1.熟练掌握本课时的重点单词。   2.能够在现实生活中灵活运用句型:What does your mother do? She is a TV reporter. 并在现实生活中能够灵活运用,做到语音准确,语调自然。   3.着重讲解问句与陈述句中动词的变化形式。   教学过程   Step 1:warm-up   1.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,做简单的Free Talk.   2.教师为学生播放教学媒体资源中的《chant》,和学生一起拍手说唱。   3.教师和学生一起复习A部分Let’s learn中的单词:Act like a singer. Spell the word singer,driver...   Step2: Presentation:   1.教师用卡片里的单词做替换词,让学生灵活应用的对话。课件出示图片:   What do you do?   I’m a driver.   I’m a teacher.   What about you?   What does he do?   He is a singer. He is a writer.   What does she do?   She is a   TV reporter....   2.教师通过教学媒体资源为学生播放课本59页 Let’s try部分的教学内容,   让学生通过看图,听音进行选择。录音内容如下:   Woman: What does your mother do? Girl: She is a singer. Woman: What does your father do?   Girl: He is a teacher. He is a teacher. He teaches Chinese. Man: Circle the right pictures.   3.学生听完Let’s try部分的录音之后,教师问学生What does your father /mother do ?如果学生回答She’s /He’s a singer/teacher.教师可以继续问Does she /he teach English? Does she /he often sing songs?学生会回答Yes, she /he does. No, she/he doesn’t.复习以前的知识。   Group work   What are you going to be?   I’m going to be...   然后教师通过教学媒体资源为学生播放Let’s Talk的教学录音,学生跟读。最后教师让学生分角色朗读课文,并鼓励学生做替换练习。   (在这个过程中教师要给学生讲解动词的变化形式:一般现在时第三人称单词动词后面加s 或者es,在疑问句或者否定句中,前面有了助动词does,后面的动词要变成原形。)   4.教师给学生呈现Group work 的教学挂图,让学生先认真看图,然后在表格内填上所要采访的同学名字,然后去采访班里的同学:What does your mother/father do?   如果时间允许,可以让几名学生汇报调查结果。教师也可以根据学生的调查结果对学生进行提问。   Step 3: Practice   按要求改变句子。   教师和学生一起进行背靠背活动。   学生两个人一组背靠背坐好,每人使用一套职业卡片和家庭成员卡片。左边的同学先把家庭成员和职业卡片一一对应排列好,右边的同学向同伴提问,如: What does your mother do? 左边同学根据自己卡片的摆放位置作答,右边同学根据对方的回答排列自己的卡片。问答结束,两个人的卡片位置应该相同。教师做裁判,看看哪个小组的同学表现得最棒,并发送小礼物表示奖励。   Step 4.Summary   Jobs 职业   driver 司机 teacher 教师 farmer 农民   player 运动员 worker 工人 cleaner 清洁工   doctor 医生 manager 经理 dancer 舞蹈演员   boss 老板 employee 职员 engineer 工程师   editor 编辑 designer 设计师 reporter 记者   tailor 裁缝 waiter 男服务员 waitress女服务员   jailer 狱警 fireman 消防员 conductor 售票员   accountant 会计 salesperson 售货员   postman 邮递员 librarian 图书管理员   policeman 男警察 policewoman 女警察   教师和学生一起总结本课时的教学重点。   Step 5.Homework   1.让学生熟练掌握本单元的重点句型和词组。   2.让学生听Let’s Talk部分的录音,读给家长或同伴听。   3.让学生课外完成Task Time 任务,下节课进行交流。   板书设计 Unit 5 what does she do? A Let’s talk What does your mother do? She is a TV reporter. 2.人教版六年级上册英语教案 教学目标   1、 能够听、说、认读Let’s read部分的短文,完成相应的活动。   2、 能够运用所学语言较好完成招聘会的活动。   教学重难点   1、本课重点是操练巩固本单元11个职业名称的单词和重点句型:What does he/she do? Where does he/she work? How does he/she work?   2、本课难点是帮助学生理解短文中的新语言,如:help the bank use their money well. likes helping people. help tourists find their way.以及三个小建议。   教学过程   一、Preparation   (1) Greetings   (2) Let’s chant(课本第56页)   (2)Free talk   预设问题:   How many people are there in your family? Who are they?   What does your father / mother do ?   Where does your father / mother work?   How does your father / mother go to work?   How does your father / mother go to work?   (设计意图:课前chant热身,让学生迅速进入学习状态并复习旧知。通过日常会话,复习巩固本单元主要职业名词及句型,达到温故而知新的目的。)   二、Pre--reading   I.T:Now, I will introduce some my friends to you. What do they do ? Can you guess?   Ss: OK!   T:OK!Let’s meet my first friend. (投影出示卡片: She works in the school. She teaches English in the school. She loves her children very much. What does she do? She is a ___________)   师生一起读卡片上的内容后,让学生猜所描述人物的职业,然后揭示答案。   II.用同样的方法阅读第二个片断.( 投影出示卡片: He works in a car company. He likes math and drawing very much. He can design(设计) many cool cars. What does he do? He is an ______________.)   师生齐读内容,出示单词卡,教读design。之后师问:What does he do ? can you guess?   S3: Maybe he is an engineer.T: Yes, he is an engineer. You are very clever!( 揭示答案)   III.Now, let’s go on , meet my friends. I have many friends. (投影出示卡片: They like beautiful cities. They like traveling(旅游) very much. Who are they? They are ______________)   Can you read the passage? Have a try, please!   (学生试读小短文,教师和学生一起读后,教师说出答案并出示tourists单词卡,并领读。)   IV.投影出示一张城市交通图,在图上标出两个旅行者。   学习本课难点句子:Help the tourists find their way.并引导学生用英语描述路线。   V.出示周杰伦照片,讨论交流信息:   (出示提示句子) Look! I think Zhou Jielun is a singer. He goes to work by car. He likes singing very much. What do you think of Zhou Jielun?(学生看提示语和同位讨论) 上一页 1 2 3 4 下一页


  (1) 老师播放幻灯片,展示植树日记。   (2) 老师提出问题让学生回答: On April 15, what does she do? What happened to the seed on April 21? What does Liu Yun see on April 29? Why does she water it everyday? What happened after one month?   3. 活动三:发音练习 教学预设:教师应该培养学生自己总结发音的能力,当学生碰到新音标不会读的时候,老师就教授新的音标。   (1)老师挂出国际音标图,开始复习以前学过的国际音标,让学生依次读出以前学过的音标。   (2)老师引导学生运用刚学的音标读出语音部分的单词,并让学生体会这些单词发音的不同,指导学生完成连线题。   设计意图:用学过的就音标引出学习,以旧引新,并完善学生的国际音标图,将其作为一个整体来学习和记忆。   Step3: Consolidation and extension Story time   教学预设:故事很有趣味性,但如果只让学生听和理解,那么激不起学生的兴趣,不妨让学生分角色演一演。   (1) 老师带领学生听录音,一起读故事的内容,并适当提问让学生回答,如: What does Zip want to do?   (2) 等学生掌握了短文的大意之后,让学生和老师交换彼此的角色,让学生 当老师,给老师讲解这个小故事的内容,老师最后总结。   Let’s chant   Seed,seed,we should have the seeds.   Soil,soil, put the seeds into the soil.   Water them, water them,   You can see a sprout,   Water them, water them,   In several days, you can see a plant.   设计意图:让学生当老师来教授,一方面训练学生的口头表达能力和应用能力,另一方面让学生体会当教师工作的辛苦,增进师生的情谊。   Step 4: Homework   1. 按照音标写出下列单词,并翻译出来。   2. 你们小组的植物长的怎么样了?写一篇关于植物的日记。   板书设计: 1.How do you plant a tree?   First, dig the soil. Then put the plant in the soil. Water it. Wait for it to grow. 2. [ts] [dz] [tr ] [dr] [α:] shorts towards trough draw [α] pots odds tropic drop 4.人教版六年级上册英语教案 Teaching aims and demands:   1、Learn the words & phrase: theatre,cinema,watch.   2、Can master the sentence Let’s go to .   Teaching methods:   games, reading, action, etc.   Period I   Content of courses:   Teaching aims and demands:Be able to master the words: theatre,cinema,watch.   Educational affiliations:   textbook, tape, tape-recorder, and word cards.   Teaching-learning process:   Step 1 Warm-up activity   1、Greeting.   2、Let’s play: Look and guess: What is it?   Step 2 Presentation&drill   1、Learn to say: picnic   T help Ss understand the meaning. Read the word after T.   2、Learn to say: library   T help Ss understand the meaning. Read the word after T.   3、Learn to say: watch science story in the same way.   4、Drill.   (1)T shows the pictures and Ss say the words.   (2)T shows the pictures quickly and Ss say the words.   (3)A guessing game.   4、Open the books at Page 10, listen to the tape and read after it.   Step 3 Practice.   1、Practice in four. Ss play the cards.   2、Listen&act.   Step 4 Consolidation.   Period II   Content of courses:   textbook Part A Part C.   Teaching aims and demands:   Be able to understand and tell the story.   Educational affiliations:   textbook, tape, tape-recorder, word.   Teaching-learning process:   Step 1 Warm-up activity   1、Exchange greetings.   2、Sing a song we’ve learned last term together.   Step 2 Presentation&drill   1、Lead-in.   T shows the picture of Part A.   T says, The children are talking. Listen to the tape. What are they talking about?   T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T.   2、Ss talk about the picture.   3、Drill.   (1)T shows the pictures and Ss rearrange them.   (2)T shows the pictures and Ss tell the story.   (3)A guessing game.   4、Open the books at Page 9, listen to the tape and read after it.   Step 3 Practice.   1、Fill the blanks with the correct words.   Go/and/did/was/home list   Yesterday_________a holiday. The children wanted to _________out. They did not want to stay at_________. Peter wrote a _________in his notebook. The children had many ideas.   They talked_________talked. It was very late in the afternoon.They_________ nit go out. They stayed at home all day!   2、Ss practice in four.   3、A game:A competition among groups.   Period III   Content of courses:   1、Teaching aims and demands:   Be able to read and write the sentence Let’s go to.   2、Educational affiliations: textbook,tape,tape-recorder,word.   Teaching-learning process:   Step 1 Warm-up activity   1、Exchange greetings.   2、Sing a song we’ve learned last term together.   Step 2 Practice   1、Lead-in.   (1)T shows the picture of Part D.   (2)T says, What are these place?   2、Pair work. Look at pictures. Say the words of the pictures.   3、T writes the words on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning.   Read the sentence after T.   4、Say the felling words..   5、Make the sentences.   e.g.I’m hungry. Let’s go to the restaurant.   6、Open the books at Page 11.   Ss write the sentences on the book. 5.人教版六年级上册英语教案 一、教学目标与要求   1.能够听、说、认读句子:What is your hobby? I like collecting stamps   2.能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:collecting stamps,riding a bike,diving playing the violin,making kites。   二、教学重、难点分析   1.本课时的教学重点是掌握五个动词(短语)的ing形式。   2.本课时的教学难点是拼写:riding,diving,making。   三、课前准备   1.教师准备录音机及录音带。   2.教师准备A部分Let's learn的单词卡片。   3.教师准备一些树叶、一本集邮册、两只风筝。   四、教学步骤和建议   1.热身(Warm-up) 出示学过的词组,教师问:Look,which thing do you like?I like go shopping and read books.what about you ?引导学生回答。出示句子:What is your hobby?解释hobby,领读,出示词卡,放在黑板上。继续操练句子:what is your hobby? I like . 上一页 1 2 3 4 下一页


第一单元How do you go there?重点:
1.How do you go to school?
2.Usually I go to school on foot.
3.Sometimes I go by bike.
4.How can I get to ZhongShan Park?
5.You can go by the No.15 bus.
6.Where is the cinema,please?
7.Its next the hospital.
8.Turn left at the cinema,then go straight,Its on the left.
9.What are you going to do on the weekend?
10.Iam going to visit my grandparents this weekend.
11.Where are you going this afternoon?
12.Iam going to the bookstore.
13.What are you going to buy?
14.Iam going to buy a comic book.


1.How do you go to school?
一般现在时,疑问句,go to school 的疑问词是how.
2.Usually I go to school on foot.
一般现在时,陈述句, Usually 是一般现在时的标志词。
3.Sometimes I go by bike.
一般现在时,陈述句,Sometimes 是一般现在时的标志词。
4.How can I get to ZhongShan Park?
一般现在时,疑问句,get to 的疑问词是how.
5.You can go by the No.15 bus.
一般现在时,陈述句,can 后只接do.
6.Where is the cinema,please?
7.Its next the hospital.
8.Turn left at the cinema,then go straight,Its on the left.
9.What are you going to do on the weekend?
一般将来时,疑问句,将来时的句子结构是be going to do。
10.Iam going to visit my grandparents this weekend.
11.Where are you going this afternoon?
一般将来时,疑问句,将来时的句子结构是be going to do.
12.Iam going to the bookstore.
现在进行时,陈述句,现在进行时的句子结构是be doing。
13.What are you going to buy?
一般将来时,疑问句 将来时的句子结构是be going to do.
14.Iam going to buy a comic book.
现在进行时,陈述句,现在进行时的句子结构是be doing。

一般直接加ing eg:go-going
元音结尾双写加ing eg:run-running
有e的去e加ing eg:write-writing




  1. 邮局_________ 2. 科学博物馆__________ 3. 宠物医院__________ 4. 意大利餐馆 __________
  5. Palace Museum ___________ 6. 直走 __________ 7.右/左转 ______________ 8.挨着 ___________
  9.在...前面____________ 10. 在东方大街上 ________________ 11.打扰一下_____________ 12. 请跟着我!__________ .
  1. 感叹句: What a great museum! What an interesting film!
  2. My new GPS works. ___________.
  3. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left. 在电影院向左转,然后直行。它在左边。
  How to Get to the Science Museum
  We are going to the science museum tomorrow.The science museum is next to the hospital.It’s not far from our school.So we can go there on foot.First,go straight
  from our school.Next,turn left at the post office and walk for about five minutes.Then turn right at the bookstore.We can find the hospital on the right.Walk
  straight,and we’ll see the science museum.


6年级上册英语单词表如下:Unit 1science /'salans/科学。museum/mju'zi:om/博物馆。post office/paust Dfis/邮局。bookstore/buksto:(r)/书店。cinema/sinama/电影院。hospital /hospitl/医院。crossing/krDsIn/十字路口。turn/ta:n/转弯。left /left/ 左。straight /streit/笔直地。right/rait/右。ask/a:sk/问。sir/ss:(r)/(对男子的礼貌称呼)先生。interesting/intrastin/有趣的。Italian/i'taelian/意大利的。restaurant/restront/餐馆。pizza/pi:tsa/比萨饼。street /stri:t/大街;街道。get/get/到达。GPS/ dzi:'pi:'es/全球(卫星)定位系统。gave/geiv/(give的过去式)提供;交给。feature/'fi:tfa(r)/特点。


1、science 科学 / 'saiEns/2、museum 博物馆 / mju:'ziEm/3、post office 邮局4、bookstore 书店 / 'bukstR:/5、cinema 电影院 / 'sinEmE/6、hospital 医院 / 'hRspitEl/7、crossing 十字路口 / 'krRsiN/8、turn 转弯 / tE:n/9、left 左 / left/10、straight 笔直地 / streit/11、right 右 / rait/12、ask 问 / B:sk/13、sir (对男子的礼貌称呼)先生 / sE:/14、interesting 有趣的 / 'intristiN/15、Italian 意大利的 / i'tAljEn/16、restaurant 餐馆 / 'restErRN/17、pizza 比萨饼 / 'pi:tsE/18、street 大街;街道 / stri:t/19、get 到达 / get/20、GPS 全球(卫星)定位系统21、gave (give的过去式)提供;交给 / geiv/22、feature 特点 / 'fi:tFE/23、follow 跟着 / 'fRlEu/24、far 较远的 / fB:/25、tell 告诉 / tel/


人教版人教版人教版人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册复习重点小学英语六年级上册复习重点小学英语六年级上册复习重点小学英语六年级上册复习重点 1. 话题:询问和回答人们日常出行的方式以及常用的交通规则。 2. 语音:能够了解辅音/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/与元音/i:/, /i/的发音规则,并能读出相关例词 3. 单词及短语:by, foot, bike, bus, train, plane, ship, subway, how, go to school, then, traffic, traffic light, traffic rule, stop, wait, get to, always, know, drive on the left/ right side 4. 重点句型:How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. How can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus. 话题:日常活动(交通) 时态:一般现在时 句型: 1. How 引导的特殊疑问句,围绕人们的出行方式展开交际:--- How do you + 行为活动?--- I + 行为活动 + 出行方式。例: A: How do you go to school? B: I usually go to school on foot. 2. How 引导的特殊疑问句,外出问路:--- How can I get to + 目的地?--- You can go + 交通方式。例: A: How can I get to Zhongshan park? B: You can go by the No. 15 bus. Unit 2 Where is the science museum? 1. 话题:问路及指点方向。 2. 语音: 能够了解辅音/k/,/g/,/f/,/v/,/s/,/z/与元音/e /, /Q/的发音规则,并能读出相关例词 3. 单词及短语:Library, post office, hospital, cinema, bookstore, science museum, excuse me, where, please, next to want ,a pair of, minute, north, south, east, west, turn, right, left, straight, then, tell, take 4. 重点句型:Where is the cinema, please? It’s next to the hospital. Is it far from here? No, it’s not far. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left. 话题:日常活动(外出) 时态:一般现在时 句型: 1. Where 引导的特殊疑问句,就建筑物的位置进行问答:--- Where is + 建筑物? --- It's next to + 建筑物。例: A: Where is the cinema, please? B: It's next to the hospital. 2. 祈使句,外出活动。例:Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. Unit 3 What are you going to do? 1. 话题:询问并回答未来几天或周末的活动安排 2. 语音:能够了解辅音D/,/T/ /N/,/m/,/n/,/与元音 /,A/ /V/的发音规则,并能读出相关例词 3. 单词及短语:next week, this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tonight, tomorrow, take a trip, read a magazine, go to the cinema, comic book, post card, newspaper, magazine, dictionary, shoe store, buy 4. 重点句型:What are you going to do on the weekend? I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend. I’m going to the cinema. Where are you going this afternoon? I’m going to the bookstore. What are you going to buy? I am going to buy a comic bookWhen are you going? I am going at 3 o’ clock. What/ where/ when is sb. going…? 话题:日常活动(打算、计划) 时态:一般将来时 句型:What, Where, When等引导的特殊疑问句,对将要进行的活动等进行问答:--- What are you doing to do + 时间?--- I'm going to + 行为活动。--- Where / When are you going? --- I'm going + 地点 / 时间。例: A: What are you going to do on the weekend? B: I'm going to visit my grandparents this weekend. Unit 4 I have a pen pal 1. 话题:业务爱好及日常生活 2. 语音:能够了解辅音Z/,/S/ /,/l/,/r/与元音 /,:Z/ /E/的发音规则,并能读出相关例词 3. 单词及短语: hobby, ride a bike (riding a bike), dive(diving), play the violin(playing the violin), make kites(making kites), collect stamps(collecting stamps), look, fun, with, live (lives), teach (teaches), go (goes), watch (watches), read (reads), does, doesn’t = does not 4. 重点句型: What is your hobby? I like collecting stamps. What is her/ his hobby? She/ He likes collecting stamps. Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? No, he doesn’t. He lives in Beijing. Does she teach English? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. 话题:爱好、日常活动 时态:一般现在时、第三人称单数 句型: 1. What 引导的特殊疑问句,互相交流各自的兴趣爱好:--- What's your hobby? --- I like + 行为活动(doing)。例: A: What's your hobby? B: I like collecting stamps. 2. 第三人称单数作主语:He / She + 动词的第三人称单数形式(does)。例: He likes collecting stamps, too. 3. Does 引导的一般疑问句,用来确定自己对事情的判断:--- Does he / she + 动词原形?--- Yes, he / she does. No, he / she doesn't. 例: A: Does she teach English? B: No, she doesn't. Unit 5 What does she do???? 1. 话题:职业 2. 语音:能够了解辅音S /w/,/j/,/h/,/t /Z /,/d与元音 /,:u/ /u/的发音规则,并能读出相关例词 3. 单词及短语: singer, writer, actor, actress, artist, TV reporter, show, engineer, accountant, policeman, salesperson, cleaner, where, work 4. 重点句型: What does she/ he do? She/ He is a/an … What are you going to be? I am going to be …Where does she work? She works in a car company. How does she go to work? She goes to work by bus. Who works in a car factory? Wang Li. 话题:职业 时态:一般现在时 句型: 1. What引导的特殊疑问句,询问他人的职业:--- What does + 第三人称单数 + do? --- She / He + 动词的第三人称单数形式。例: A: What does your mother do? B: She is a TV reporter. 2. 综合运用What, Where, How等疑问词,询问他人(第三人称)有关工作的情况:--- What / Where / How ... + does + he / she + 动词原形(do)? --- He / She + 动词的第三人称单数形式(does). 例: A: How does she go to work? B: She goes to work by bus. Unit 6 The story of rain 1. 话题:水循环及植物种植过程 2. 语音:能够了解辅音/ts/, /dz/, /tr/, /dr /与元音 /,:O/ /X/的发音规则,并能读出相关例词 3. 单词及短语:rain, cloud, vapour, sun, stream, come from, again, seed, soil, sprout, plant, should, then, 4. 重点句型:Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds. How do you do that? First, put the seeds in the soil. Then, … What should you do then? Water them… 话题:大自然 时态:一般现在时 句型: 1. Where 引导的特殊疑问句,来探讨自然界的循环变化:--- Where does +自然界的事物+come from? --- It comes from + ... 例: A: Where does the rain come from? B: It comes from the clouds. 2. 综合运用What, How等疑问词,来交流植物的生长过程:How / What ... + do / should + you + do? 例: A: How do you do that? B: Put the seeds in the soil. 人教版小学英语·六年级上册·词汇表(四会) Unit 1 by 经,乘 foot 脚 bike 自行车 bus 公共汽车 train 火车 how 怎样 go to school 上学 traffic 交通 traffic light 交通灯 traffic rule 交通规则 stop 停,停车站 wait 等待 get to 到达 Unit 2 library 图书馆 post office 邮局 hospital 医院 cinema 电影院 bookstore 书店 where 在哪里,到哪里 please 请 next to 与……相邻 turn 转弯 right 右边 left 左边 straight 成直线地 then 然后 Unit 3 next week 下周 this morning 今天上午 this afternoon 今天下午 this evening 今天晚上 comic book 漫画书 post card 明信片newspaper 报纸 buy 购买 Unit 4 hobby 爱好 ride a bike → riding a bike 骑自行车 dive → diving 跳水 play the violin → playing the violin 拉小提琴make kites →making kites 制作风筝 collect stamps → collecting stamps 集邮 live → lives 居住teach → teaches 教 go → goes 去 watch → watches 看 read → reads 读,看 doesn’t = does not Unit 5 singer 歌唱家,歌手 writer 作家 actor 男演员 actress 女演员 artist 画家 TV reporter 电视台记者 engineer 工程师 accountant 会计 policeman 男警察 salesperson 销售员 cleaner 清洁工 where 在哪里,到哪里 work 工作 Unit 6 rain 雨 cloud 云 sun 太阳 stream 河,溪 come from 来自,从……来 seed 种子 soil 土壤 sprout 苗,芽 plant 植物,种植 should 应该 then 然后


呵呵 希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈 人教版小学英语·六年级上册·单词表Unit 1by (经,乘) foot(脚) bike(自行车) bus(公共汽车) train(火车)plane飞机ship 船;舰subway 地铁how(怎样) go to school(上学)fifth 第五 traffic(交通) traffic light(交通灯) traffic rule(交通规则) stop(停,停车站) wait(等待)remember 记住 get to(到达)find 寻找;找到difference 不同;区别same 相同的every 每个;所有的country 国家always 总是mean 意思是drive 驾驶right 右边的side 边England 英国Australia 澳大利亚however 但是left 左边的if 如果must 必须know 知道Unit 2library(图书馆) post office(邮局) hospital(医院) cinema(电影院) bookstore(书店) science museum 科学博物馆excuse me 对不起 where(在哪里,到哪里) please(请) next to(与…相邻) far 远supermarket 超市bank 银行after school 放学以后want 想要buy 买a pair of 一双shoe store 鞋店get off 下车minute 分钟north 北south 南east 东west 西 turn(转弯) right (右边) left(左边) straight(成直线地) then(然后)twelfth 第二十party 聚会;晚会tell 告诉start 开始take 乘坐look for 寻找Unit 3next week(下周) this morning(今天上午) this afternoon(今天下午) this evening (今天晚上) tonight 今晚 tomorrow 明天take a trip 去旅行read a magazine 阅读杂志go to the cinema 去看电影theme park 主题公园the Great Wall 长城busy 忙碌的together 一起地comic book(漫画书) post card(明信片) newspaper(报纸) magazine 杂志dictionary 词典 ;字典buy(购买)fruit stand 水果摊pet shop 宠物商店need 需要plant 植物else 其他;另外shop 商店Unit 4hobby(爱好) ride a bike--riding a bike(骑自行车) dive--diving(跳水) play the violin— playing the violin(拉小提琴) make kites—making kites(制作风筝) collect stamps—collecting stamps(集邮) show 展览pen pal 笔友dear 亲爱的twin 双胞胎之一something 某事物must 一定;肯定fun 快乐;乐趣with 同…TV reporter电视台记者live –lives(居住) teach--teaches(教) go--goes(去) watch--watches(看) read--reads(读,看) does doesn’t=does notdifferent 不同的week 星期;周say 说soon 不久excited 兴奋的;激动的Unit 5singer(歌唱家,歌手) writer(作家) actor(男演员) actress(女演员) artist(画家) TV reporter(电视台记者) Hong Kong 香港engineer(工程师) accountant(会计) policeman(男警察) salesperson(销售员) cleaner(清洁工) company 公司where(在哪里,到哪里) work(工作)factory 工厂design 设计tip 有用的小建议help 帮助money 钱well 好;对;满意地enjoy 从…获得乐趣tourist 旅行者;way 路;道motor cycle 摩托车police 警方;警察部门Unit 6rain(雨) cloud (云) vapour 蒸汽;水汽sun(太阳) stream(河,溪) come from(来自,从…来) shine 照耀become 变成little 小的drop 一滴wake up 醒来feel 感觉到think 想;思考meet 遇见high 高的other 其他的fall 落下down 向下into 进入come out 露出again 又seed(种子) soil(土壤) sprout (苗,芽) plant(植物,种植) should (应该) then(然后)garden 花园easy 简单的put 放several 一些day 天see 看见pot 锅碗瓢盆lovely 可爱的make sure 核实month 月份still 仍然hardly 几乎不


小学六年级人教版英语书的单词表都收集好了,请查收!《小学阶段语文拍改、英语、数字、音乐尘贺悄、美术、体育、自然、科学等》百度网派渣盘资尘贺悄源大全链接:资源实时更新来自:百度网盘提取码: 1234复制提取码跳转K12资源实时更新来自:百度网盘提取码: 1234复制提取码跳转?pwd=1234 提取码:1234对于小学阶段所涉及到的各科各类资料,我拍改们都收集、归类并定期更新。欢迎有需求的家长、老师收藏。


☆go to school……上学
☆traffic light……交通灯
☆traffic rule……交通规则
☆get to……到达


跪求 小学六年级英语上册1---6单元的单词, 我是PEP的 急急急!!!!!

Unit 1
by (经,乘)
ship 船;舰
subway 地铁
go to school(上学)
fifth 第五
traffic light(交通灯) traffic rule(交通规则)
remember 记住
get to(到达)
find 寻找;找到
difference 不同;区别
same 相同的
every 每个;所有的
country 国家
always 总是
mean 意思是
drive 驾驶
right 右边的
side 边
England 英国
Australia 澳大利亚
however 但是
left 左边的
if 如果
must 必须
know 知道
Unit 2
post office(邮局) hospital(医院)
cinema(电影院) bookstore(书店)
science museum 科学博物馆
excuse me 对不起 where(在哪里,到哪里) please(请)
next to(与…相邻)
far 远
supermarket 超市
bank 银行
after school 放学以后
want 想要
buy 买
a pair of 一双
shoe store 鞋店
get off 下车
minute 分钟
north 北
south 南
east 东
west 西
right (右边)
twelfth 第二十
party 聚会;晚会
tell 告诉
start 开始
take 乘坐
look for 寻找
Unit 3

next week(下周)
this morning(今天上午) this afternoon(今天下午) this evening (今天晚上)
tonight 今晚
tomorrow 明天
take a trip 去旅行
read a magazine 阅读杂志
go to the cinema 去看电影
theme park 主题公园
the Great Wall 长城
busy 忙碌的
together 一起地
comic book(漫画书)
post card(明信片) newspaper(报纸)
magazine 杂志
dictionary 词典 ;字典
fruit stand 水果摊
pet shop 宠物商店
need 需要
plant 植物
else 其他;另外
shop 商店
Unit 4
ride a bike--riding a bike(骑自行车)
play the violin— playing the violin(拉小提琴)
make kites—making kites(制作风筝)
collect stamps—collecting stamps(集邮)
show 展览
pen pal 笔友
dear 亲爱的
twin 双胞胎之一
something 某事物
must 一定;肯定
fun 快乐;乐趣
with 同…
TV reporter电视台记者
live –lives(居住) teach--teaches(教) go--goes(去) watch--watches(看) read--reads(读,看)
does doesn’t=does not
different 不同的
week 星期;周
say 说
soon 不久
excited 兴奋的;激动的
Unit 5
singer(歌唱家,歌手) writer(作家)
TV reporter(电视台记者)
Hong Kong 香港
engineer(工程师) accountant(会计) policeman(男警察) salesperson(销售员) cleaner(清洁工)
company 公司
where(在哪里,到哪里) work(工作)
factory 工厂
design 设计
tip 有用的小建议
help 帮助
money 钱
well 好;对;满意地
enjoy 从…获得乐趣
tourist 旅行者;
way 路;道
motor cycle 摩托车
police 警方;警察部门
Unit 6
cloud (云)
vapour 蒸汽;水汽
come from(来自,从…来)
shine 照耀
become 变成
little 小的
drop 一滴
wake up 醒来
feel 感觉到
think 想;思考
meet 遇见
high 高的
other 其他的
fall 落下
down 向下
into 进入
come out 露出
again 又
sprout (苗,芽)
should (应该)
garden 花园
easy 简单的
put 放
several 一些
day 天
see 看见
pot 锅碗瓢盆
lovely 可爱的
make sure 核实
month 月份
still 仍然
hardly 几乎不

