
时间:2024-06-17 08:27:54编辑:奇事君


拖延的英文是delay。英[dɪˈleɪ];美[dɪˈleɪ]。v.延迟;推迟;延期;使迟到;使耽搁;使拖延;n.延误;延期;耽搁;延迟(或耽搁、拖延)的时间。双语例句1、幸运的是,这短暂的拖延给了他喘息的时间。Fortunately the short delay gave him time to gather himself.2、别拖延——今天就给我们打电话!Don't delay ─ call us today!3、这只是一系列拖延战术中的一个新花招。This was just the latest in a series of delaying tactics.4、这个项目因意外情况而拖延了。The project was running late owing to unforeseen circumstances.5、工会谈判代表拖延着,以期达成较优厚的薪酬协议。The union negotiators are holding out for a more generous pay settlement.


拖延的英文如下:表示“拖延或延缓”最常见的表达方式是用单词 delay,postone,stall 和 defer,其中 delay 即可以作动词,也可以作名词,例如:1、delay:My plane was delayed by an hour. 我的飞机晚点了一个小时。Heavy snow delayed the start of the game. 大雪推迟了比赛的开始。We apologize for the delay in answering your letter. 来信收悉,迟复为歉。This situation needs to be tackled without delay. 需要毫不迟疑地处理这种情况。2、postpone:The game has already been postponed three times. 这场比赛已经三度延期了。We'll have to postpone the meeting until next week. 我们将不得不把会议推迟到下周举行。3、stall:They are still stalling on the deal. 他们仍在拖时间,而不急于达成协议。The judge accused the prosecutor of stalling for time. 法官指责检察官拖延时间。4、defer:The department deferred the decision for six months. 这个部门推迟了六个月才作决定。She had applied for deferred admission to college. 她已申请延期入学。短语动词中也有不少可以表示“拖延或延迟”,如 put off,put back 和 push back 等,例如:1、put off:The meeting has been put off for a week. 会议推迟了一个星期。I can't put off going to the dentist any longer. 我不能再推迟去看牙医了。2、put back:They decided to put back the release date of their war film as a sign of respect to the victims of the attack. 他们决定推迟战争影片的上映日期,以表示对袭击受害者的敬意。News conferences due to be held by both men have been put back. 原定两个人共同举行的新闻发布会被推迟。3、push back:They decided to push back the release date of their war film as a sign of respect to the victims of the attack. 他们决定推迟战争影片的上映日期,以示对袭击受害者的尊重。The start of the game was pushed back from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 比赛从午后两点延迟到4点才开始。跟刚才描述的习语 kick the can down the road 类似,英语中还有一个习语 drag one's feet,它的字面意思是“拖某人的脚”,很明显也可以用来表示“拖延或拖拖拉拉”,例如:Please stop dragging your feet, you're going to wear out the soles of your shoes. 别再拖拖拉拉了,你的鞋底会磨坏的。He knows he should see a doctor, but he' dragging his feet. 他知道他应该去看医生,但他在拖拖拉拉。


一、延迟的英文有:delay v.使搁置;使延迟;延迟;推迟;拖延;耽搁;迟滞postpone v.推迟;延迟;延缓time delay 时滞;延时;延误时间二、短语搭配:延迟线delay line延迟交货delay in delivery; late delivery延迟方party in delay延迟通知notice of delay延迟加载lazy load延迟退休三、例句:1、天气不好,预先安排好的活动延迟了。Bad weather caused a lag in the scheduled activities.2、飞机由于浓雾天气延迟降落。The dense fog delayed the plane’s landing.3、会议延迟了。The meeting has been put off/deferred.网络延迟



拖延 英语

拖延[tuō yán]delay;拖延时间play for time; stall (for time)例句:“你这是什么意思?”她问,故意拖延着时间。'What do you mean?' she asked, stalling for time. 他们对拖延不耐烦了。They were impatient at the delay.看起来那像是个会拖延多年的大烂摊子。That seems like a horrible mess that will drag on for year


拖延的英文是delay。英[dɪˈleɪ];美[dɪˈleɪ]。v.延迟;推迟;延期;使迟到;使耽搁;使拖延;n.延误;延期;耽搁;延迟(或耽搁、拖延)的时间。双语例句1、幸运的是,这短暂的拖延给了他喘息的时间。Fortunately the short delay gave him time to gather himself.2、别拖延——今天就给我们打电话!Don't delay ─ call us today!3、这只是一系列拖延战术中的一个新花招。This was just the latest in a series of delaying tactics.4、这个项目因意外情况而拖延了。The project was running late owing to unforeseen circumstances.5、工会谈判代表拖延着,以期达成较优厚的薪酬协议。The union negotiators are holding out for a more generous pay settlement.

延期 英文

延期英文:delay。汉英大词典:1postpone; defer; put off; delay; deferment; postponement; renewal:延期付款。defer payment; delayed payments; delay in payment.办理签证延期手续。have one's visa extended; extend a visa.延期释放。release after the sentence expires.双语例句:1、将30只成年SD大鼠按随机数字表法分为3组,即损伤对照组、早期移植组和延期移植组,每组10只。Totally 30 adult SD rats were divided into 3 groups at random: injury control group, early transplantation group and postpone transplantation group, 10 in each group. 2、3组大鼠均制作脊髓横断损伤模型,造成大鼠下肢瘫痪,早期移植组、延期移植组大鼠分别在伤后3d及3周移植胎鼠脑组织神经干细胞。Rats in the 3 groups were made into spinal transsection injured models. Hind limb palsy was established. Rats in the early transplantation group and postpone transplantation group were selected to remove NSCs of rats at day 3 and week 3 after injury.


延期的英文表达有:postpone put offadjourndeferred与延期有关的短语表达:延期付款 deferred payment;payment respite;defer payment延期着色 Deferred shading延期支付 deferred payments;delay in payment;Deferred Compensation;delay payment延期损失 Damage for Detention;Din the morningage for Detention;Dhaudio-videoe always beenage for Detention;Dmorningage for Detention延期费 demurrage charge;demurrage;deferred charges;forbearance fee例句:I only heard about the delay yesterday because we kept the production line clear to handle these special sheets. 我昨天才听说延期,因为为了处理这批特殊板材我们一直保持生产线畅通。The flight was postponed on account of bad weather. 因为天气恶劣,飞行延期了。


延迟的英文:delay。delay,英语单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为“延期;(使)耽搁;推迟”,作名词时意为“延迟的时间;延期;延时;延迟器,(美)德莱(人名)”。短语搭配:Propagation Delay[通信]传播延迟 ; 传播时延 ; 传输时延 ; 传输延迟。Delay slot延迟间隙 ; 延迟槽 ; 延迟位置 ; 分支延迟槽。delay line[电子]延迟线 ; 延时线 ; 延迟线延时线 ; 延迟线路。Delay Point迪莱角 ; 时延点。双语例句:1、But delay must not be an option.但是拖延不可以是一种选择。2、Do it without (any) delay!马上做, 不得延误!3、Not you but I am responsible for the delay.不是你而应是我对这次耽搁负责。

