
时间:2024-06-15 01:21:10编辑:奇事君


haze常见释义英[heɪz]美[heɪz]词典:haze例句:In most cities the sky looks as though it has been emptied of stars, leaving behind a vacant haze that mirrors our fear of the dark.在大多数城市里,天上看起来好像没有星星,仅剩一层薄薄的雾霾,这反映出我们对黑暗的恐惧。They vanished into the haze near the horizon.他们消失在地平线附近的薄雾中。Mist was r...一旦国家资金被削减,“愤怒抵制雾霾”的禁烟计划就会失败。In most cities the sky looks as though it has been emptied of stars, 在大多数城市里,天上看起来好像没有星星,仅剩一层薄薄的雾霾,这反映出我们对黑暗的恐惧。Gazing down on the city from the Getty Center, an art museum in the Sa


haze。haze在很久很久以前,它的意思只是“浓雾”,而工业革命改变了这个词的含义。从18世界下半叶开始,西方国家逐渐掀起工业革命,以及城市化的推进,出现了烟雾腾腾的城镇,也就是“雾霾”。而smog是个拼合词,由smoke和fog就构成这个单词了。smoke是“烟”的意思,其实更加接近雾霾的本质,因为从工厂排放出的有毒有害的烟就是smoke。而fog是雾,有雾(fog)也有霾(smoke),那就是雾霾(smog)了。另外,PM2.5就是指“可入肺颗粒物”,PM的英文全称为particulate matter(微粒物质、悬浮微粒),PM2.5就是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物。扩展资料:吐槽雾霾的方式:在英语中,严重空气污染 一般用severe、serious或heavy等词修饰。1、The smog is severe!雾霾太严重了!2、When the pollution gets really serious, I can't even see the buildings next to me.雾霾太严重了,附近的建筑都看不清了。3、Beijing partially bans traffic on heavy pollution days.北京部分地区在严重污染天气实行车辆限行。参考资料来源:百度百科-雾霾




  雾霾,是雾和霾的组合词。雾霾常见于城市。中国不少地区将雾并入霾一起作为灾害性天气现象进行预警预报,统称为“雾霾天气”。那么你知道雾霾用英文怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    雾霾的英语说法1 :   Property    雾霾的英语说法2:   real estate    雾霾的相关 短语 :   雾霾险 smog insurance   雾霾天气 hazy weather ; Fog and haze weather   大气霾雾 atmospheric haze    雾霾的英语例句:   现在,随着沿海地区受到有害雾霾的威胁,日本开始进一步向污染日益严重的中国提供技术援助。   Now, with hazardous smog threatening its coast, Japan is offering further tech know-how to an increasingly desperately polluted China.   他们消失在天边的雾霾中。   They vanished into the haze near the horizon.   目前中国城镇人口比例已超过一半,雾霾和拥堵正成为一个重大政治问题。   With more than half of all Chinese living in cities, smog and clog are becoming big political issues.   上海PM2.5浓度上升大约13%,较为富裕的上海市民日益抱怨雾霾。   PM2.5 levels rose about 13 per cent in Shanghai, where smog is becoming a complaint among wealthier residents.   风停和英国机动车的排放气体更是加重了雾霾的严重性。   It grew far more serious when the wind stopped blowing and fumes from UK vehicles added to the smog.   那里的交通状况真要命,雾霾严重、以至于当地人都得戴面罩,而且自来水也不能直接饮用。   The traffic is murder, the smog so bad locals wear face masks and the tap water isn't potable.   随着定量遥感技术的发展,利用遥感数据监测雾霾天气以及强度等级有着重要的意义。   With the development of remote sensing technology, it is significant to use RS to monitor haze and pollution level.   而近期雾霾天气的持续出现,也对中国节能减排工作提出了新的挑战。   The frequent appearance of the “ haze ” weather, also presents a new challenge for China energy conservation work.   北京居民收到不宜外出的警示,市民尽量待在室内,以避免有害健康的室外雾霾。   Beijingers have been warned to stay indoors as much as possible to avoid outdoor air pollution that has reached hazardous levels.   在雾霾最严重的时期,必须采取一切可能的必要 措施 来削减排放量,包括暂停工厂生产和实行交通管制。   Every possible compulsory measure must be taken to cut emissions during the heaviest smog including suspending factory production and imposing traffic restrictions.   作为一个北京人,张超说他的初衷是解构雾霾并揭开雾霾的神秘面纱。   As a Beijing native, Zhang explains his original purpose is to deconstruct Beijing's smog and unveil its shroud of mystery.   这些指引是为了应对日本国内对于随风飘至日本的有毒雾霾的潜在有害效应的担忧。   The guidelines are in response to concerns in Japan about the potential harmful effects of the toxic smog wafting across the ocean.   当被问及中国的环境污染时,傅莹说她每天早上拉开窗帘都要看一下今天有没有雾霾。   Asked about China's environmental pollution, Fu said that every morning she draws the curtains to check whether there is haze.   慢慢地,王月在这座冬季总是被雾霾笼罩的城市中打造了一个童话世界。   Gradually, she created a fairytale world in the city, which is always covered by fog and haze in the winters.   昨天,一大片有毒灰色雾霾袭击了英国的大部分地区,人们都为老弱病残的健康表示恐慌。   A blanket of toxic grey smog descended on much of Britain yesterday, raising fears for the health of the sick and elderly.

