
时间:2024-06-12 01:40:12编辑:奇事君


一般英语用“my condolences”来表达这个意思。在听说或者看到对方的友人或者家人去世,用my condolences表达的意思就是汉语的"节哀"的意思,电影中经常可以听到。节哀顺变是一个成语,意思是其释义是用来慰唁死者家属的话,抑制哀伤,顺应变故。扩展资料:2018年9月18日,上映了一部美剧,叫《节哀顺变》,英文的表达是《Sorry for Your Loss》,是由詹姆斯·庞索特执导,伊丽莎白·奥尔森、凯莉·玛丽·陈、珍妮·麦克蒂尔和约翰·艾德坡领衔主演的美国剧情类电视剧。剧情简介:奥尔森饰演的Gibbs是一位年轻寡妇,她不得不一边面对失去丈夫的悲痛,一边试着与过去重新建立联系。参考资料:百度百科-节哀顺变百度百科-节哀顺变


节哀顺变英语用restrain one's grief表示。1、restrain英 [rɪˈstreɪn] 美 [rɪˈstreɪn]vt. 抑制,控制;约束;制止短语:Ratio restrain 比率制动restrain vt 阻止Restrain yourself 克制你自己2、grief英 [ɡriːf] 美 [ɡriːf]n. 悲痛;忧伤;不幸短语:Grief Seed 悲叹之种 ; 悲伤之种 ; 哀叹之种 ; 笑哀痛之种Complicated grief 复杂性哀伤 ; 复杂性悲伤 ; 哀伤反应Fort Grief 伤心堡垒 ; 伤心营垒扩展资料:1、restrain含义:vt. 抑制,控制;约束;制止例句:I should learn to restrain my desire.翻译:我必须学会抑制我的欲望。2、grief含义:n. 悲痛;忧伤;不幸例句:Then let us bury the grief of all good . 翻译:那么就让我们掩埋好所有的悲痛。


不同环境句子用法不同: 希望你现在节哀顺变,I hope that you are consoled by this time.他似乎对母亲的死节哀顺变了,He seemed resigned to his mother's death.他似乎对母亲的死节哀顺变了。console宽慰。resign to顺从。中文的有些词是不能与英文一对一的,只能根据意境翻译。祖宗不同,产生的语言也不同。万里长城译great wall就是例子。


学英语的好处英语范文:The Benefit of Learning EnglishAs English is widely used today, we learn English since primary school. Some students still ask why they should learn English, we learn English because there are some benefits. First, we can know more about a foreign language, we can talk to foreigners. Second, we can pass the exam and our mother will be every happy, we are not falling behind with others. English is so useful.翻译参考:今天英语被广泛使用,从小学开始,我们就要学习英语。一些学生还在问他们为什么要学英语,我们学英语是因为有很多好处。第一,我们可以了解多一门外语,与外国人交流。第二,我们可以通过考试,妈妈会很高兴,我们不比别人差。英语很有用处。不知道怎么正确写出一篇好作文?【https://www.acadsoc.com】点击领取免费欧美一对一外教课,外教手把手教各位写作技巧!学英语需要一个纯正的“母语”环境,如果要报班的话,价格肯定要合适。我建议大家可以了解一下阿卡索外教网这家机构,外教一对一授课,性价比也是非常高的,课均不到20元,每天都能和外教一对一学地道的英语表达!不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。

节哀顺便 英文 怎么说

Hearty condolence to you may you have strength to bear this great affliction.

He seemed resigned to his mother's death.

She hasn't been able to snap out of the death of her husband.

Look in

Come around/round


"Restrain one's grief "只是按字面去翻译"节哀顺便",你如果这样说,别人会觉得怪怪的.以下是外国人在葬礼时常说的话

I am so sorry.

Tell me how I can help, I want to be here for you.

I'm praying for you.

Would it help if we prayed together?

[Name of deceased] was a good person and friend of mine. He/She will be missed.

Would you like a hug?

Please tell me what you are feeling right now, I have never been through something like this and can only imagine.

What do you need right now?

It's ok if you do not feel like talking right now. Just know that I am here to listen whenever you are ready.

My sympathy to you and your family

