
时间:2024-06-09 09:04:07编辑:奇事君



饰演胡四 导演林玉芬, 高林豹, 徐惠康 主演唐艺昕, 陈若轩

主演胡军, 金晨, 宋轶

导演于中中 主演张予曦, 陈柏融, 杜妍


饰演白琉璃 导演李国立 主演韩东君

kiss me2015
饰演TenTen 主演李海娜


饰演Purit 主演Por

饰演Mike 导演萨拉萨瓦蒂·翁索姆佩奇 主演李海娜

饰演Lapin 主演Margie

michael 和mike有什么区别

michael 和mike区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同michael n. 迈克尔(男子名)。miken. 扩音器;麦克风,v. 用扩音器传送,n. [大写]迈克(男子名,Michael的昵称)。二、用法不同michael 迈克尔来自希伯来语,含义是who is like God,意思是像上帝那样的人。作名词有米迦勒(大天使之一犹太人的守护神)意思。He knew Helen was going steady with Michael.他早知道海伦与迈克尔的关系很稳定。We congratulated Michael on his success.我们祝贺迈克尔的成功。mike作名词有扩音器,麦克风,话筒,送话器,传声筒,懒惰,偷懒,鬼混,游手好闲,怠工,休息千分卡尺,微音器,测微器等意思。She could sing very well only in front of the mike.她要在麦克风前才能唱得好。Dick suffered mike fright and lost his voice completely.迪克得了麦克风恐惧症,在话筒前完全说不出话来。三、侧重点不同michael 只作人名使用。mike除了人名还有其他事意思,mike是Michael的昵称。

求Aomike的kissme 罗马音歌词

AOM:dai tei mengai mang te gei ge-lai da tu nizai te mei-han mo fa ti ya te luwo te ki in aibao di maite mi zai hei gan lu bu-laobang wei la te men ze mi kaibang wei la du lai shen in didiu gou ruai diu te gou diWhat you want just let me know ze dei maiOh,I just want you to kiss me,be my babybi-li lou mi hei ge-lai bei sing shen huOh,baby I just wanna kiss you,be my babyhei ru sao li mi kuang ruai ti tai zingMIKE:I don't know doug tang du in-ai mo ze taiyou ge-lai te lou men zhai sanba ge zhai mi ke ze dong gan hei te in-aimei ge-la po hei te pu baibang wei la shen du a mi kaibang wei la du la te in dising ti sha ben gan ni zhai I just wanna let you know ze dai maiOh baby I just wanna kiss you, be my babybi-li lou mi hei ge-lai bei sing shen huOh I just want you to kiss me,be my babyhei ru sao li mi kuang ruai ti tai zing合:ruai long zhai ru-rua mai mai ti tang mi shen le te ge-lei mo po rua tai ni zhairuai long zhai ze tang mi di po te le ruai gen ze de lao baiOh baby I just wanna kiss you,be my babybi-li lou mi hei ge-lai bei sing shen huOh I just want you to kiss me,be my babyhei ru sao li mi kuang ruai ti tai zingOh baby I just wanna kiss you ,be my babybi-li lou mi hei ge-lai bei sing shen huOh I just want you to kiss me, be my babyhei ru sao li mi kuang ruai ti long zhai上面2个音中间有横杠的表示连起来唱,泰语有的音是连起来的,还有些卷舌这是我自己对泰语的研究,因为很喜欢泰剧和泰国电影,特别喜欢泰国的一个女星VILL~~~~~~ha ha。。。不知道亲喜欢什么泰星呢?好累啊,为研究仔细一点,花了好几个小时,希望可以帮到你~~亲 ,试着多唱几遍 把音都弄清楚 如果哪个音不太明白你可以再问我

求 chara < kiss > 的罗马音啊!

kisu de tomete. watashi to yoru wo
yasashii koi wo te ni ireta no
nan no tame ni tachidomaru no?
katachi wa nakute wakaranai

aru yo. tomarazu ni aru yo
hanashite ageru yo itte yo

ano natsu to doko ni iru no?
hontou no watashi to soba ni ite mamoreru?
ano kiiroi chou

mitsume atte amu no
kono koi wo motto amu no
tomadoi wo motte itai na?
fuan wo nande umeru no?
idaki atte amu no

nai yo. hoshii mono ga nai yo
kimi igainai yo gomen ne

ano natsu to doko ni iku no?
fuan de hanashi sou? kowai datte oboreru
ano kiiroi chou

...iya da iya da.

kienai kienai kienaide ne

koboreru wa sotto

soba ni ite sotto ne kienai de

ano natsu to? doko ni iru no?
hontou no watashi to soba ni ite mamoreru?
ano kiiroi chou

heiki yo kaze ga ippai


2006年首张专辑《Love Scenes》   相关曲目:   1. I need somebody   2. Tut jai mai vai (Can’t let go…)   3. Khun phu ying phom yao (The long hair lady)   4. Tha kuen nee khoon none mai lub(If you cant sleep tonight)   5. Oad huang mai wai (Cant stop worrying)   6. Ra hut ruk (Coding for love)   7. Sai pai mai   8. Yood chan tee (Stop me…)   9. Nong pises (Special Brother…)   10.Phieng sop ta (Only eye contact…)( 发行 : 2006年10月16号)   2007年《Nud Pised》   2008年《Love Attack Concert -爱攻击音乐会》精选歌曲   2008年特别专辑《特殊画面》   2008年《I Love You Too》   相关曲目:   1. Rhythm of the Heart   2. Someone   3. Pak Nak (Unable to speak…)   4. Yark took reak wa fan (Want to be called (your) boyfriend…)   5. Missed Call Miss You   6. Khum jum gud khwam (Motto)   7. Kor hueng … nid nung nah (Can I be a little jealous?)   8. Love At First Sight   9. Puen Ruam Thang (Traveling Companion)   10.I love you too (发行: 2008 年1月26号)   2009年《Hug》   相关曲目:   1. Hug   2. Mak Mai (So Much)   3. 7 wun thee chan ngao (7 days of my loneliness)   4. Wait a minute   5. Kwam chong jum nai lom hai jai (Memory inside my Breath)   6. Hai Jai Bork Ruk Ter (Saying love with my breathing)   7. Hug Bie8. Kor Tode (I’m Sorry…)   9. Korn pleng sood tai (Before the last song)   10.Khon thee teur ruk (feat. Vietrio) – (the one you love)(CD release date: April 9, 2009) (VCD karaoke to be released on: May 15, 2009)


男(50个):炎亚纶(飞轮海) 吴尊(飞轮海) 汪东城(飞轮海) 辰亦儒 (飞轮海)言承旭(前F4) 周渝民(前F4) 吴建豪(前F4)朱孝天(前F4)胡宇崴 唐禹哲 陈浩民 陈小春 苏有朋 吴奇隆 陈志朋 周杰 张铁林 王刚 张国立 黄百鸣 林宥嘉 陈建州 胡歌 霍建华 佟大为 文章 陆毅 任泉 黄晓明 何润东 周杰伦 刘德华 郭富城 黎明 张学友 周润发 王力宏 古巨基 潘粤明 胡兵 欧阳震华 陈冠希 谢霆锋 张国荣 张翰 魏晨 朱梓骁 俞灏明 苏醒 韩庚
女(50个):鬼鬼(吴映洁)卓文萱 张韶涵 林依晨 杨丞琳 徐熙媛(大S) 徐熙娣(小S)安以轩 黄小柔 赵薇 林心如 范冰冰 李冰冰 马雅舒 邓婕 范玮琪 杨幂 唐嫣 刘亦菲 刘品言 蔡依林 舒淇 黄奕 马伊俐 李小璐 张柏芝 王菲 郑爽 谢娜 容祖儿 黄圣依 王心凌 林志玲 鲍蕾 陶虹 孙俪 李宇春 张靓颖 周笔畅 何洁 谈莉娜 王珞丹 苗圃 陈慧琳 梁咏琪 李湘 刘若英 陈好 薛佳凝 周迅

歌词有you my girl,你是我的。。后面不记得了是一首中文歌,欢快的男生唱的是什么歌

You Never Know - Immortal Technique

She was on her way to becoming a college graduate

Wouldn't even stop to talk to the average kid

The type of latina I'd sit and contemplate marriage with

Fuck the horse and carriage shit, her love was never for hire

Disciplined, intellectual beauty's what I desire
Flyer than Salma Hayek or Jennifer Lopez

Everyone told me, kickin' it to her was hopeless

At first I just thought, she didn't mess with broke kids
The thug niggas always talking about, how they smoke kids

But the rich-sniff-coke kids got no play
"I'm not even interested" is what her body language would say
Everyone around the way, gave up trying to get in it
It didn't matter how good your game was, she wasn't with it
On the block, bitches was jealous, but wouldn't admit it

Talk shit, and deny to everyone that they did it

'Cause they regretted the long list of niggas that they let hit it
And no one ever gave them shit except McDonald's and did-dick
Smoking weed with thoughts of envy, whenever they lit it
She spoke intelligently and they bit it, always trying to copy
But when they tried to use her vocab, they sounded sloppy
She had a style, all her own, respectful and pure
I was sick in the head for her, and there wasn't a cure

Don't you know that, time waits for no man
Not fate, it's all planned

I'm blessed just to know you

I've loved and I've lost just to hold you all night

Can't find, a reason why

God came, between you and I
If I had the chance again, I'd never let you go
Hold tight to your love, 'cause you never know

Her eyes are brown and beautiful, yet empty and sad

I used to talk to her occasionally, and she was glad

That I wasn't just another nigga trying to get in it

So every now and then we'd stop and talk for a minute

I didn't have a gimmick so the minutes turned to hours
On her birthday, I gave her a poem with flowers
Then I took her out to dinner after her cousin's baby shower
We talked about, power to the people and such

We spent more time together but it was never enough

I never tried to sneak a touch, or even cop a feel
I was too interested, in keeping it real

Perfectly honest and complete, she would always call me "carino",
And never Technique, bought me a new book to read every 2 or 3 weeks
Forever changing the expression of my thoughts when I speak
It was because of her, I even deaded all of my freaks
She convinced me, to stop hangin' out on the streets
To stop robbin' and stealin', from people like you
Instead I took her out to the Apollo and the Bronx Zoo
We sailed del Barrio and the Metropolitan too

Got to the point when I was either with her or my crew
So I decided one day, to tell her my feelings was true
I couldn't live without her so I told her, facing my fears
But honey's only response, was a face full of tears
She could only sob hysterically, holding me tight

I tried to speak, but she wouldn't stop until I left sight

I felt like a moth who got himself too close to the light
Except I didn't burn, I turned cold after that night

Don't you know that, time waits for no man

Not fate, it's all planned

I'm blessed just to know you

I've loved and I've lost just to hold you all night

Can't find, a reason why

God came, between you and I
If I had the chance again, I'd never let you go

Hold tight to your love, 'cause you never know

I went on with my life, college and my career

Ended up locked up like an animal for a year

Where the C.O.'s talk to you like they were the overseer

Then I got sent to the hole, when my exit was near

At night in my cell, I'd close my eyes and I'd see her
Hold her close in my dreams, but when I woke she disappeared

Just an empty cell until the state gave me parole in the summer
came back, in tact and on track
But the fact of the matter, is I still felt cold
Even after my mother, hugged me, cryin' at home
My real niggas would catch me thinkin', out of my zone
Fuckin' lots of different women, but I still felt alone

Relatively well-known around the New York underground

But I kept thinking of her and how we used to be down
The sound of her voice, and the beautiful smell of her hair
Though gone physically, somehow it was still there
I had to do something, because the shit was too much to bear
So I went and visited the building where she used to live
The world looks a lot different after you do a bid
The way your life done changed
While primitive minds (are) still stuck in the same game

Like her cousin who was on the corner slangin' cocaine

Stepped in the lobby and tapped the button next to her last name
Her mom buzzed me up and hugged me up, like a mother ought to
But her facial expression changed, when I asked about her daughter

Don't you know that, time waits for no man
Not fate, it's all planned
I'm blessed just to know you

I've loved and I've lost just to hold you all night

Can't find, a reason why

God came, between you and I

If I had the chance again, I'd never let you go

Hold tight to your love, 'cause you never know

She told me that there was a note for me, that was left behind
She had left it there waiting, for such a long time
I was inclined to ask about it but she brought it up first

I saw a tear swelling up in her eye, and then she cursed
She told me where the letter was and I started thinking the worst
Reversed my position, stepped over and opened the door

And sure enough there was an envelope with my name on the floor
"Nobody loves you more than me carino" is what the letter said
"By the time you get to read this, I'll probably be dead

But when you left in '97 a part of me went to Heaven
I thank God at least I got to know what love really was
But it hurt me, to see what true love really does
'Cause even though we never made love, you were all that there was
It was because I loved you so much that I had to make you leave

You made me doubt the way I thought, you made me want to believe
And then I slipped up, and I let you get close to me
It was hard to not be openly when people spoke to me
This was not the way I thought my life was supposed to be
Baby don't you see, I had a blood transfusion that left me with HIV

Hoped the end exists for me since late in 1993
I died a virgin, I wish I could've given myself to you
I cried in the hospital because there was no one else but you
Promise that you'll meet me in paradise inevitably

No matter what, I'll keep your love forever with me"

What happened for the rest of the day is still a blur
But I remember wishing that I was dead, instead of her
She was buried on August 3rd
The story ends without a sequel
And now you know why Technique, don't fucking fall in love with people
Hold the person that you love closely if they're next to you

The one you love, not the person that'll simply have sex with you
Appreciate them to the fullest extent, and then beyond

'Cause you never really know what you got, until it's gone

my girl里面所有的歌曲?

《마이 걸 - My Girl》
Release Date:2005/12/23
主演: 李多海、李东旭、李俊基、朴诗妍

01 从头开始 - 연우 (延宇)
02 Never Say Goodbye - 마리오&네스티
03 30次左右 - Kyo(쿄
04 Alone - 임재완 (林在完)
05 爱上鲨鱼的人鱼- 조관우(赵冠宇)
06 无论何时 - 나무자전거 (Tree Bicycle)
07 My Girl - 박용석 (朴龙锡)
08 爱似麻烦- 이지수 (李智秀)
09 Alone (女 ver.) - 카라 (cara)
10 爱上鲨鱼的人鱼(女 ver.) - 박희경 (朴熙京)
11 Happy Happy - 송보람 (宋宝岚)
12 爱闷得慌- K2


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