
时间:2024-06-06 15:43:12编辑:奇事君


2.中期阶段的 作品通称为“白昼情调的故事”。他写过自传性的故事,如《圣诞节的回忆》;中篇小说《竖琴草》,后来改编成剧本;短篇小说《花房》(与人合作),后来改编成音乐喜剧;配有照片的游记文集,如《地方色彩》,《观察集》(与人合作);电影脚本《打倒魔鬼》 ,《天真无邪者》;一部集喜剧、游记为一体的非虚构小说《缪斯为人们所倾听》


遗作:Answered Prayers
To celebrate the book’s success, Capote threw what many called the“Party of the Century,” the famous “Black and White Ball.” This maskedball, at New York’s elegant Plaza Hotel, was to be the pinnacle of bothhis literary endeavors and his popularity. Overwhelmed by thelifestyles of the rich and famous, Capote began to work on a projectexploring the intimate details of his friends. He received a largeadvance for a book which was to be called Answered Prayers(after Saint Theresa of Avila’s saying that answered prayers cause moretears than those that remain unanswered). The book was to be a bitingand largely factual account of the glittering world in which he moved.The publication of the first few chapters in Esquire magazinein 1975 caused a major scandal. Columnist Liz Smith explained, “Hewrote what he knew, which is what people always tell writers to do, buthe just didn’t wait till they were dead to do it.”With these first short publications Capote found that many of hisclose friends and acquaintances shut him off completely. Though heclaimed to be working on Answered Prayers (which manyimagined would be his greatest work), the shock of the initial negativereactions sent him into a spiral of drug and alcohol use, during whichtime he wrote very little of any quality. When Capote died in 1984, atthe age of fifty-nine, he left behind no evidence of any continuedprogress on Answered Prayers. Though many feel that Capotedid not live up to the promise of his early work, it is clear from whathe did write that he was an artist of exquisite talent and vision. Withboth his fiction and his non-fiction, he created a body of work thatwill continue to move readers and inspire writers for years.详细死因:liver disease complicated by phlebitis and multiple drug intoxication参考资料:
Capote died in Los Angeles, California, on August 25, 1984, aged 59.[24] According to the coroner's report the cause of death was "liver disease complicated by phlebitis and multiple drug intoxication". He died at the home of his old friend Joanne Carson, ex-wife of late-night TV host Johnny Carson, on whose program Capote had been a frequent guest. He was interred in the Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles, leaving behind his longtime companion, author Jack Dunphy. Dunphy died in 1992, and in 1994 both his and Capote's ashes were scattered at Crooked Pond, between Bridgehampton, New York and Sag Harbor, New York on Long Island,close to where the two had maintained a property with individual housesfor many years. Capote also maintained the property in Palm Springs, a condominium in Switzerland that was mostly occupied by Dunphy seasonally, and a primary residence at the United NationsPlaza in New York City. Capote's will provided that after Dunphy'sdeath a literary trust would be established, sustained by revenues fromCapote's works, to fund various literary prizes and grants includingthe Truman Capote Award for Literary Criticism in Memory of Newton Arvin, commemorating not only Capote but also his friend Newton Arvin, the Smith College professor and critic, who lost his job after his homosexuality was exposed.[25]After his death, fellow writer Gore Vidal described Capote's demise as "a good career move".参访录是记录言行的资料的意思么?如果是的话,答案如下:记录言行资料:With Love from Truman (1966纪录片),Gerald Clarke, in Capote: A Biography (1988) With Love from Truman (1966),a 29-minute documentary by David and Albert Maysles and Charlotte Zwerin, shows a Newsweek reporter interviewing Capote at his beachfront home in Long Island. Capote talks about In Cold Blood,his relationship with the murderers and his coverage of the trial. Heis also seen taking Alvin Dewey and his wife around New York City forthe first time. Originally titled A Visit with Truman Capote, this film was commissioned by National Educational Television and shown on the NET network. Truman Capote: The Tiny Terror is a documentary that aired April 6, 2004, as part of A&E's Biography series, followed by a 2005 DVD release.


:哈波·李(1926年4月28日--)1926年出生于美国南方阿拉巴马州的一个小镇,父亲是位律师,曾任州立法委员。哈波·李在当地的公立学校毕业后,进入阿拉巴马大学学习法律,并曾作为交换学生到英国牛津大学学习一年。在还有六个月就要毕业的时候,她离开了学校,搬到纽约去追求自己的写作梦想。她在纽约一边做航空公司的订票员,一边写作。后来受朋友和编辑的鼓励,她返回阿拉巴马的家乡小镇,以自己的童年生活片断为基础创作小说。代表作是1960年发行的《杀死一只知更鸟》。这本书直到现在都仍然很畅销。40年来,尽管狗仔队查到了她的住所———她跟她的姐姐阿丽丝一起住在美国阿拉巴马州的门罗维尔市,但她从来没有接受过访问。她一直都是单身,也没有子女。 她童年时的玩伴杜鲁门·卡波特(与她一同合作创作了《冷血》一书)所经历过的坎坷———从名声大噪、聚光灯下的巨星、知名配偶、酒宴到吸毒、酗酒以至早年英逝———对于李来说,或许成了她不可抹杀的梦魇。


杜鲁门·贾西亚·卡波特(英语:Truman Garcia Capote,1924年9月30日-1984年8月25日),本名杜鲁门·史崔克福斯·珀森斯,是一位美国作家,著有多部经典文学作品,包括中篇小说《蒂凡尼的早餐》 (1958) 与《冷血》 (1965)。卡波特1924年生于新奥尔良,他自幼父母离异,17岁便高中辍学,受雇于《纽约客》开始写作生涯。在《冷血》一书中,卡波特开创了“真实罪行”类纪实文学,被公认是大众文化的里程碑。两次获得欧·亨利短篇小说奖。2005年好莱坞在大银幕上再现了这位传奇作家写作《冷血》的经历,该片为菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼赢得了奥斯卡影帝。




相传唐代宝历元年(公元825年),大诗人白居易任苏州刺史时,常利用公馀闲暇,登游天平山。一天,他在山腰忽闻有如鸟鸣琴奏的流水声,上前拨开草丛、荆棘、繁枝,见一股清冽甘泉从石罅中潺潺地流出、顺着陡峭岩壁流向山下。于是立即与山民商定,在山腰用石筑坝,挡住泉流。一泓泉水,清澈透明如镜,块块青中带白的石头,似朵朵白云,与蓝天白云倒影池中,相映生辉。白居易触景生情,顷刻题写了“白云泉”三字,并咏诗《白云泉》一首:“天平山上白云泉,云本无心水自闲。何必奔冲山下云,更添波浪向人间。”诗人运用  象征手法写景寓志,以云水的逍遥自在比喻恬淡的胸怀和闲适的心情,用泉水激起的自然风浪象征社会风浪,言浅意深,理趣盎然。诗人更以“云自无心水自闲”自比,追求一种渴望摆脱俗务、出世归隐的心境。由此白云泉名声鹊起,被后人誉为“吴中第一水”。  不知你是否知晓,在泉城济南也有一处名泉,它的大名也同样称作“白云泉”,这就是趵突泉公园中的“园中园”——万竹园里的白云泉。虽然它没有天平山白云泉那样的名气,但它同样会把你带入那种心旷神怡、悠闲自得的清静世界。  济南当代著名女诗人王泽惠在《白云泉》诗中写道:庭院深深足迹微,青松翠柏绿盈晖。临池最爱清纯水,偶见白云泉上飞。  当你步入万竹园西花园内,迎面映入你眼帘的是相连的泉溪,潺潺的流水,还有那假山堆岸,花木扶疏。而在一片绿荫灌木丛中,白云泉就静静地卧藏在花园西南角的石砌泉池中。  而当你置身于白云泉池畔,凝神静观,只见有股细流由岩隙流出,泉水碧清透底。在池的南端有一呈多层叠状的泻口。当泉水池满流溢而出,沿小渠蜿蜒东流,至万竹园大门口与东高泉汇为一体,然后继续东流,与趵突泉、登州泉泉水汇集于枫溪,自此向北,最终流入西护城河。  此时,也许你会忆想起清朝乾隆皇帝题写的“白云泉是白家泉”这一诗句。看一看泉池周边的景物,你仿佛是置身于白氏家族的庭院了。不仅矗立于泉池之畔体态高大浑厚、窍孔通透的巨石名曰“白云”,就是位于白云石左侧的那座四面雕窗、青砖黑瓦的古代阁式建筑,也被冠名为“白云轩”。  “白云在天不作雨,欲试新茗惟此泉。”在节假日里,邀二三友朋来白云泉边,赏泉溪、亭桥、翠竹、丛林浑然相融,亲自提桶汲取白云泉中醇厚甘冽的净水,于白云轩小憩品茗,吟咏赋诗,闲适惬意,自得其乐,岂不是世间一大快事。□任宝祯 李宗益

