
时间:2024-06-03 22:02:04编辑:奇事君

英语 现在完成时的 构成

时态是由动作放生的“时间”或动作发生时的“体态”构成的。时间包括现在时、过去时、将来时和过去将来时,体态包括一般体、进行体、完成体和完成进行体。4种时间和4种体态分别组合就构成了英语的16种时态。除去4种时的一般体外,其他时态都是由“助动词 + 动词的适当形式”构成,所以,完成时态的构成就是——

have + 过去分词(以下用 done 表示过去分词)

  完成时共有4种:现在完成时、过去完成时、将来完成时、过去将来完成时。只要把助动词 have 变成表示相应的时间形式,就构成了不同时间的完成时态——

现在完成时:have done / has done
过去完成时:had done
将来完成时:will have done
过去将来完成时:would have done

  现在完成时的助动词根据不同的人称要用不同的形式,has 用于单数第三人称,have 用于其他各种人称。

  助动词 have 在不同的语气中,其结构或位置要进行适当的调整——

肯定句:主语 + have/has done
否定句:主语 + have/has not done 或主语:haven't/hasn't done
疑问句:Have/Has + 主语 + done
否定疑问句:Have/Has + 主语 + not done 或 Haven't/Hasn't +
主语 + done


1.现在完成时 现在完成时用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状 态,其结果的确和现在有联系。动作或状态发生在过去 但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或 状态。其构成: have (has) +过去分词。 2.比较过去时与现在完成时 1)过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情,强调动作;现在完成时为过去发生的,强调过去的事情对现在的影响,强调的是影响。 2)过去时常与具体的时间状语连用,而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用,或无时间状语。 一般过去时的时间状语: yesterday, last week,…ago, in1980, in October, just now, 具体的时间状语 共同的时间状语: this morning, tonight,this April, now, once,before, already, recently,lately 现在完成时的时间状语 for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till / until, up to now, in past years, always, 不确定的时间状语 3)现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know. 过去时常用的非持续性动词有come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等。 举例: I saw this film yesterday. (强调看的动作发生过了。) I have seen this film. (强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了。) Why did you get up so early? (强调起床的动作已发生过了。) Who hasn't handed in his paper? (强调有卷子,可能为不公平竞争。) She has returned from Paris. 她已从巴黎回来了。 She returned yesterday. 她是昨天回来了。 He has been in the League for three years. (在团内的状态可延续) He has been a League member for three years. (是团员的状态可持续) He joined the League three years ago. ( 三年前入团,joined为短暂行为。) I have finished my homework now. ---Will somebody go and get Dr. White? ---He's already been sent for. 句子中如有过去时的时间副词(如 yesterday, last, week, in 1960)时,不能使用现在完成时,要用过去时。 (错)Tom has written a letter to his parents last night. (对)Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night. 3. 比较since和for Since 用来说明动作起始时间,for用来说明动作延续时间长度。 I have lived here for more than twenty years. I have lived here since I was born.. My aunt has worked in a clinic since 1949. Some new oilfields have been opened up since 1976. I have known Xiao Li since she was a little girl. My brother has been in the Youth League for two years. I have not heard from my uncle for a long time. 注意:并非有for 作为时间状语的句子都用现在完成时。 I worked here for more than twenty years. (我现在已不在这里工作。) I have worked here for many years. (现在我仍在这里工作。) 小窍门: 当现在完成时+一段时间,这一结构中,我们用下面的公式转化,很容易就能排除非延续动词在完成时中的误使。 1) (对) Tom has studied Russian for three years. = Tom began to study Russian three years ago, and is still studying it now. 2) (错) Harry has got married for six years. = Harry began to get married six years ago, and is still getting married now. 显然,第二句不对,它应改为 Harry got married six years ago. 或 Harry has been married for six years. 4. since的四种用法 1) since +过去一个时间点 (如具体的年、月、日期、钟点、1980, last month, half past six)。 I have been here since 1989. 2) since +一段时间+ ago I have been here since five months ago. 3) since +从句 Great changes have taken place since you left. Considerable time has elapsed since we have been here. 4) It is +一段时间+ since从句 It is two years since I became a postgraduate student 5.延续动词与瞬间动词 1) 用于完成时的区别 延续动词表示经验、经历; 瞬间动词表示行为的结 果,不能与表示段的时间状语连用。 He has completed the work. 他已完成了那项工作。 (表结果) I've known him since then. 我从那时起就认识他了。(表经历) 2) 用于till / until从句的差异 延续动词用于肯定句,表示"做……直到……" 瞬间动词用于否定句,表示"到……,才……" He didn't come back until ten o'clock. 他到10 点才回来。 He slept until ten o'clock. 他一直睡到10点。 典型例题 1. You don't need to describe her. I ___ her several times. A. had met B. have met C. met D. meet 答案B. 首先本题后句强调对现在的影响,我知道她的模样,你不用描述。再次,several times告知为反复发生的动作,因此用现在完成时。 2.---I'm sorry to keep you waiting. ---Oh, not at all. I ___ here only a few minutes. A. have been B. had been C. was D. will be 答案A. 等待的动作由过去开始,持续到现在,应用现在完成时 关于since; since的用法主要有两点:一是表示“自从……以来”,二是表示“既然”之意。但如果只了解词的含义,而不了解其用法,在使用时就会造成错误。例如:I have not heard from him since I lived in Shanghai. 不少人会望文生义,将该句译为:“自从我住在上海以来,就再也没有收到他的信了。”而实际上这个句子的译文并非如此,那么正确的含义是什么呢? 下面谈谈since作连词引导时间状语从句的用法。 一、若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是终止性的过去时,则从句表示的时间是“从动作开始的那一时刻起”。如: He has studied very hard since he came to our school.自从他来到我们学校,他学习就非常努力。 We have been missing them since they left here自从他们离开这里,我们就一直很想念他们。 这是最常见的一种用法,此处不再多述。 二、若since引导的状语从句的谓语动词是持续性动词或表示状态的动词的过去时时,则从句表示的时间是“从那持续动作或状态结束时算起”。如: I haven’t heard any noise since I slept. Sleep 为持续性动词,sleep的动作结束时,即“醒来”时,这句应译为“我醒后还未听到任何声音”。 John is now with his parents in New York, it is already three years since he was a teacher约翰现在和父母一起住在纽约,他不当教师已经三年了。 本文开始出现的那个句子就可以译为“自从我离开上海,就再也没有收到他的信。”这种译法常被人们误用,我们不妨再多举几个例子看看: How long is it since you lived in Shanghai?你离开(没住在)上海多久了? It is half a month since he was a League member.他退团(不当团员)半个月了。 It’s been quite some time since I was last in London我离开伦敦已很长时间了。 比较:He has written to me frequently since I was ill.自从我病愈以来,他屡次给我写信。(从句谓语为状态动词) He has written to me frequently since I fell ill.自从我生病以来,他就屡次给我写信。(从句谓语为终止性动词) 三、若since引导的状语从句的谓语为持续性动词的现在完成时,则表示动作和状态延续到现在(说话时刻),其表示的时间的起点应从动作发生之时算起。如: I haven’t heard from him since he has lived there。 这里has lived表示动作的持续性,时间的起点应从:“开始居住”时算起。因此此句可理解为“自从他(开始)住在那儿起,我就一直没收到他的来信”。 Since we have owned a car, we have gone camping every year。自从我们自己有了汽车,我们每年都去野营。 试比较:1. Since I’ve been at this school, we have had three headmasters.自从我到这所学校,我们已换了三个校长了。 Since I was at this school, they have had three headmasters.自从我离开这所学校,他们已换了三个校长了。 2.He has never been to see me since I have been ill. 自从我生病以来,他从未来看过我。 He has never been to see me since I was ill. 自从我病愈以来,他从未来看过我。 由此可见,since引导的从句持续动词的一般过去时和现在完成时所表示的意思恰好相反。换言之,前者以肯定的语法形式反映着否定的逻辑内容,而后者的形式与内容是一致的。 至于It is +一段时间+since…的句型与It has been +一段时间+since…意思相同。前者是规范说法,后者是口语说法。 应注意的是,在这种结构中,since引导的从句绝对不能用否定式的谓语动词来表示否定意义,下面两句都错了: It is a long time since he didn’t study English. It’s two months since you didn’t come to see me. 正确的说法为: It’s a long time since he studied English 他好久没学英语了。 You haven’t come to see me for two months. 你有两个月没来看我了。 解析:6B 词义辨析语句连贯尽(as long as)作者所能记忆的。Remember是持续性动词,与表示持续意义的as long as(象……一样长;只要……)连用,引导条件状语从句。as soon as,when,since三项均表示短暂意义,通常与短暂性动词连用。记得采纳啊


现在完成时由“have/has+过去分词”构成,主要有两个含义:①表示动作发生在过去,对现在有影响,有时无时间状语,有时和一些表示不确定的过去时间状语连用,如:many times,just,yet,ever,never,already,before,so far, by now等连用。②表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在并还可能继续延续下去的动作,用于延续性动词,且句中常带有表示一段时间的时间状语,如:since + 时间点/从句,for two months, so far等。二 、1)现在完成时和一般过去时都能表示过去发生过的动作,但现在完成时表示过去动作对现在的影响,并且表示这一动作已完成或还可能继续下去;2)而一般过去时与现在的情况没有联系,仅表示过去的动作,且这一动作到说话时已终止。因此现在完成时不能与表示明确的过去时间如:in1949,yesterday,last week等的状语连用,并且用when或where对这些时间和地点状语提问时,一般只用一般过去时。 在“it is the first/second...time that...。”或在“it/this/that is the +最高级+名词+that...。”结构中,that从句中的动词常用现在完成时;表示到说话时为止动作发生过几次。在“it + be...+since从句”这一结构中,be可用一般现在时或现在完成时,since从句一般用过去时。have/has/had +been +动词的现在进行时。 1)过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情,强调动作;现在完成时为过去发生的,强调过去的事情对现在的影响,强调的是result (结果)。2)过去时常与具体的时间状语连用,而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用,或无时间状语。一般过去时的时间状语:yesterday, last week,…ago, in1980, just now, 具体的时间状语共同的时间状语:this morning, tonight, this April, now, once,before, already, recently,lately现在完成时的时间状语for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till / until, up to now, in past years, always,不确定的时间状语3)现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know.过去时常用的非持续性动词有come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等。举例:I saw this film yesterday.(强调看的动作发生过了。)I have seen this film.(强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了。)Why did you get up so early?(强调起床的动作已发生过了。)Who hasn't handed in his paper?(强调有卷子,可能为不公平竞争。)She has returned from Paris.她已从巴黎回来了。She returned yesterday.她是昨天回来了。He has been in the League for three years.(在团内的状态可延续)He has been a League member for three years.(是团员的状态可持续)He joined the League three years ago.( 三年前入团,joined为短暂行为。)I have finished my homework now.---Will somebody go and get Dr. White?---He's already been sent for.句子中如有过去时的时间副词(如 yesterday, last, week, in 1960)时,不能使用现在完成时,要用过去时。(错)Tom has written a letter to his parents last night.(对)Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night. 1)It is the first / second time…. that…结构中的从句部分,用现在完成时。It is the first time that I have visited the city.It was the third time that the boy had been late.2)This is the… that…结构,that从句要用现在完成时.This is the best film that I've (ever) seen.这是我看过的最好的电影。This is the first time (that) I've heard him sing.这是我第一次听他唱歌。 ---No, this is the first time I ___ here. was B. have been C. came D. am coming 答案B. This is the first time 后面所加从句应为现在完成时,故选B。---No, it's the first time I ___ here. even, come B. even, have come C. ever, come D. ever, have come 答案D. ever意为曾经或无论何时,反意词为never,此两词常用于完成时。 This is the largest fish I have ever seen. It is / was the first time +that-clause 的句型中,从句要用完成时。注意:非延续性动词的否定形式可以与表示延续时间的状语连用。即动作不发生的状态是可以持续的。(错)I have received his letter for a month.(对)I haven't received his letter for almost a month.比较since和forSince 用来说明动作起始时间,for用来说明动作延续时间长度。I have lived here for more than twenty years.I have lived here since I was born..My aunt has worked in a clinic since 1949.Some new oilfields have been opened up since 1976.I have known Xiao Li since she was a little girl.My brother has been in the Youth League for two years.I have not heard from my uncle for a long time.注意:并非有for 作为时间状语的句子都用现在完成时。I worked here for more than twenty years.(我现在已不在这里工作。)I have worked here for many years.(现在我仍在这里工作。)小窍门:当现在完成时+一段时间,这一结构中,我们用下面的公式转化,很容易就能排除非延续动词在完成时中的误使。 (对) Tom has studied Russian for three years. = Tom began to study Russian three years ago, and is still studying it now. (错) Harry has got married for six years. = Harry began to get married six years ago, and is still getting married now.显然,第二句不对,它应改为 Harry got married six years ago.或 Harry has been married for six years.


结构:助动词have/has+动词的过去分词。当主语是第三人称时,助动词选择has,其他情况都用have。例如:She has had lunch,so she is not hungry now. 她已经吃过午餐了。现在完成时的句型:1. 肯定句:主语+have/has+过去分词+其他成分。例如:I have found my schoolbag. 我已经找到了我的书包。2. 否定句:主语+have/has+not+过去分词+其他成分。例如:I haven't found my schoolbag. 我还没有找到我的书包。3. 一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+过去分词+其他成分?例如:Have you found your schoolbag? 你找到你的书包了吗?


基本结构:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词(p.p)(V-ed) e.g done



①肯定句:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词(p.p)(V-ed)+宾语(或者其他).②否定句:主语+have not/has not+动词的过去分词(p.p)(V-ed)+宾语.③一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+动词的过去分词(p.p)(V-ed)+宾语(或者其他)?肯定回答:Yes,I/they/we/you have.或Yes,she/he/人名 has.否定回答:No,I/they/we/you haven't.或No,she/he/人名 hasn't.④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(have/has+主语+过去分词+其他)扩展资料:用法:1、表示影响或结果该用法的现在完成时表示一个过去发生的动作在过去已经完成,并且这个动作对现在仍有影响或结果,同时说话者强调的或感兴趣的就是这个影响或结果,如汉语说“他已离开这个城市了”,其中的“离开”肯定发生了,它对现在的影响或结果就是“他现在已不在这个城市了”。又如汉语说“有人把窗户打破了”,显然“打破窗户”这一动作发生在过去,并且在过去已经完成了,但说话人强调的重点是打破窗户对现在的影响——窗户现在仍是破的。如:He has been away from the city.他已离开这个城市。(结果:他不在这个城市。)2、表示持续该用法的现在完成时表示一个过去发生的动作或开始的状态在过去并未完成或结束,而是一直持续到现在,并且有可能继续下去(也可能到此结束),如汉语说“他在我们学校教书已有30年了”,显然“他在我们学校教书”是从30年前开始,并且一直教到现在,已经持续了30年。又如汉语说“自上个星期以来他一直很忙”,显然“忙”是从上个星期开始的,并且这一“忙”就一直忙到现在。如:He has taught in our school for 30 years.他在我们学校教书已有30年了。参考资料来源:百度百科-现在完成时

have been done 这个是什么时态的结构

have been done 是现在完成时中的被动结构。其被动语态完整结构:肯定式为:have/ has +been +done。否定式为:have/ has +not +been +done。现在完成时是“过去的动作或状态持续到现在并且已经完成”。在英语时态中,“时“指动作发生的时间,”态“指动作的样子和状态。扩展资料注意事项:1.现在完成时不能单独与准确时间状语连用,(如表示过去的时间状语)如yesterday(morning、afternoon),last(morning、afternoon)等,除非与for,since连用.2.现在完成时往往同表示不确定的过去时间状语连用。如already(肯定句中),yet(否定,疑问,句末),just,before,recently,still,lately,ever等。3.现在完成时态经常与表示频率的时间状语连用,如often,sometimes,ever,never,twice,on several occasion等。现在完成时表示一个过去发生的动作在过去已经完成,并且这个动作对现在仍有影响或结果,同时说话者强调的或感兴趣的就是这个影响或结果。如汉语说“他已离开这个城市了”,其中的“离开”肯定发生了,它对现在的影响或结果就是“他现在已不在这个城市了”。




He has studied English and French.
I have read many books.


be been
go gone
swim swum
speak spoken
do done
hide hidden
become become
get gotten / got
break broken
shake shaken
awake awaken
rise risen
lay lain
fall fallen
begin begun
know known
write written
choose chosen
drink drunk
bite bitten

She has forgotten her name. She has amnesia.
I have already drunk the coffee.
They have gone to see the President.
She has come to see you.


I've been to New York once before.
He's gone to the fish market.
We've come to help.


She hasn't spoken to him.
We've not spoken with her.


Have you seen Matthew?


He finished three days ago.
They finished a long time ago.


I have already finished.
I already finished.


John has taught math for twenty years.
John taught math for twenty years.


Steve and Carol have eaten at that restaurant twice. They really like it.

Steve and Carol ate at that restaurant twice.


They have lived here for a long time.
She has been in Australia for two years.
We have studied for 5 hours straight.
Tim has waited for 30 minutes.


They lived here for a long time.
Melissa waited for 30 minutes.


We have lived here since June.
She has been in China since last month.


She might have forgotten to lock the door.
He might have given the painting to someone.


He should have told you earlier.
I should have tried harder.
She could have been nicer.
You must have seen him.


现在完成时用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状 态,其结果的确和现在有联系。动作或状态发生在过去 但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或 状态。其构成: have (has) +过去分词。比较过去时与现在完成时   1)过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情,强调动作;现在完成时为过去发生的,强调过去的事情对现在的影响,强调的是影响。     2)过去时常与具体的时间状语连用,而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用,或无时间状语。一般过去时的时间状语:yesterday, last week,…ago, in1980, in October, just now, 具体的时间状语共同的时间状语: this morning, tonight,this April, now, once,before, already, recently,lately 现在完成时的时间状语for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet,      till / until, up to now, in past years, always,不确定的时间状语    3)现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know.   过去时常用的非持续性动词有come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等。 举例:  I saw this film yesterday.  (强调看的动作发生过了。)  I have seen this film.   (强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了。)    Why did you get up so early?  (强调起床的动作已发生过了。)  Who hasn't handed in his paper?   (强调有卷子,可能为不公平竞争。)  She has returned from Paris.    她已从巴黎回来了。  She returned yesterday.    她是昨天回来了。  He has been in the League for three years.  (在团内的状态可延续)  He has been a League member for three years.  (是团员的状态可持续)  He joined the League three years ago.    ( 三年前入团,joined为短暂行为。)  I have finished my homework now.      ---Will somebody go and get Dr. White?  ---He's already been sent for.   句子中如有过去时的时间副词(如 yesterday, last, week, in 1960)时,不能使用现在完成时,要用过去时。  (错)Tom has written a letter to his parents last night.  (对)Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.

