how often do you exercise

时间:2024-06-02 22:01:51编辑:奇事君

How often do you exercise?什么意思

你多久练习(锻炼)一次?{How often do you (somedo)?这种句式多用问做某事的频率。切换括号内词语或词组,“How often do you ”的意思仍是“你多久……一次。如切换主语,do助动词就要改变形式。}
1.How often do you exercise?你多久练习(锻炼)一次?
2.How often does she\he\it exercise?他/她/它多久练习(锻炼)一次?
3.How often do they\you exercise?〔他们\她们\它们〕\你们多久练习(锻炼)一次?


how often do you do esercise?要怎么回答

once a week.词汇解析:once  基本词汇  英 [wʌns]     美 [wʌns]    adv. 一次;曾经conj. 一旦n. 一次adj. 曾经的Once or twice she looked over her shoulder at me.有一两次她回头看看我。She had not once spoken to him all the evening.整整一晚上,她都没有跟他讲过一次话。词汇的用法once用作连词时可引导时间状语从句和条件状语从句。用于前者时意为“一旦…就…”,所引导的从句多很短; 用于后者时意为“只要”,这种条件从句似带有时间条件的含意。once引导的从句中有些部分可以省略。

有关How often do you exercise?英语作文

How often do you exercise?
Doing exercise is certainly good to our health.It keeps us active,energetic and live.How often do you exercise?Different people have different habits and preferences.
I am in the second year of middle high school and I have learned that if I would grow up healthily with a decent height,I must keep doing sports.Every morning,before having my breakfast,I go to the garden in the neighborhood with my father to stretch ourselves.That has refreshed my mind and has given me a great morning.In the afternoon,my friends and I always go to the playground playing games,basketball (badminton) and so on.This is so fun and we all enjoy it very much.There is no doubt that I am tall and energetic because I do exercise regularly.


一篇你多久锻炼一次的英语作文:How often do you exercise? I don't know how to answer this question. There is no right answer to regular exercise. In fact, physical exercise is a physical activity aimed at developing the body, improving health, enhancing physique, regulating spirit and enriching cultural life. Therefore, everyone's exercise cycle is different, which should be formulated according to the actual situation.你多久锻炼一次身体,面对这个问题,我有些不知如何回答。对于经常锻炼,没有一个正确的答案。其实锻炼身体是以发展身体,增进健康,增强体质,调节精神和丰富文化生活为目的的身体活动。因此每个人锻炼身体的周期都是不一样的,应该根据实际情况制定。

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