
时间:2024-06-02 01:50:41编辑:奇事君


问题已看到, 这两个词都有“野蛮”的意思。 barbaric /bɑ:'bærik/ 一般表示原始的蛮荒状态, 例如: The civilization the reason that the far away is barbaric, is to the life significance respect (文明之所以远离野蛮,就是对生命意义的尊重); savage/sævidʒ/ 野蛮的;残酷的
I think we have to acknowledge, those were some fairly savage preadolescent Jews.(我想我们得承认,对方手段太野蛮了)一般表示某个人或某个集团的manner或tactics 蛮横。 回答完毕,记得加分哦


野蛮的; 残暴的; 粗野的; 粗声粗气的
粗俗; 粗野; 野蛮
Greedy, barbarous and cruel, as you are.
It is one of the most barbarous customs in the world that we deny the advantages of learning to women.


barbaric 中文翻译 adj. 野蛮的, 粗野的, 毫无约束的, 肆无忌惮的 英文解释 [ 形容词 ] 1. without civilizing influences; "barbarian invaders"; "barbaric practices"; "a savage people"; "fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient"-Margaret Meade; "wild tribes"2. unrestrained and crudely rich; "barbaric use of color or ornament"



  霸道 [注释]①霸王之道;以强力、刑法统治的政策:吾说公以霸道,其意欲用之矣。 ②蛮横不讲理

  粗犷 [注释]粗壮豪放:性格粗犷|作品风格粗犷。

  粗鲁 [注释]1.亦作"粗卤"。 2.性格﹑行为等粗野鲁莽。

  粗暴 [注释]1.鲁莽;暴躁。

  粗野 [注释]1.指言语﹑举动粗鲁无礼。 2.粗犷强悍

  横蛮 [注释]蛮横。

  强横 [注释]1.亦作"强横"。 2.骄横跋扈;强硬蛮横。亦指骄横跋扈﹑强硬蛮横的人。

  蛮横 [注释]1.粗暴而不讲理。 2.犹猛烈。

  凶恶 [注释]1.形容行为﹑相貌或景象等十分可怕。 2.指恶人。

  横暴 [注释]强横凶暴:~不法丨~的行为。

  强暴 [注释]1幜强横凶暴:强暴的行为。2,强暴的势力:不畏强暴|铲除强暴。3,指强奸:遭歹徒强暴。

  强悍 [注释]1.亦作"强悍"。 2.强横勇猛。 3.指强横凶暴的人


In the film "Youthful Comic", Hena show the audience that the the world of acting skill is endless.

In "My Brutal Female Teacher" ," Don't believe her, "her ridiculous comedy acting, and in the" Sharing "" Rain of Ice ",her pure loving drama skills, also show the cold eyes of terror skills through the" spirits " .And it let us see her diverse range outlook.Returning to the big screen two years before and seeing works "Youthful Comic" is the range of her skills she will tempering, refinements to the audience after showing friends escalation showed.

In the past Hena was famous for her thick skin, such as a cunning comedy acting in the past two years to re-polishing, after qualifying Youth Comics will upgrade the skills of high comedy acting challenge.

Especially a scene in her book, she was seen in his favorite magazine Bled Butte, and started looking around the scene which nature photographs were quickly torn off interested people and saw her facial expression can not help after the laugh, Who will be done in time and students have the same thought of this experience.Bled spaced photograph with their faces stolen from others and fell asleep carelessly.Sleeping at Bled spaces for the flow of saliva in the face of anti-Indian face, Chi Hwan (Korea of the right) found it, and the scene was not very wrong. I agree to make her gold Hena, the natural beauty is expected to read the enlightening.Viewers can not help laughing.

Also in the film playing a stage actor on the phobia gold Hena, must be 10 years of its own strength addiction hid himself, pretending not to play, is equivalent to the strength of singers with sound silly to send the same difficulties.After 10 years of acting like a new gold Hena playing in front of the camera as she recalled the tension was not an easy thing.
But her mood was watched pale, the acting classes to make time to get physical tension continuously, No blood and is a heart-clearing pills simply can not stand on stage with the stage phobia ' JinDalae ' 31,000 playing successful, and let everyone keep an eye on the Youth Comics ' ,and ' Dalae ' is expected.

Gold Hena, a four-colour range is a topic!
"Youth Comic" is described as a dream of a martial action movie star Jackie Chan, the young boy' Chi Hwan ' Although Dalae has the stage phobia,his dream of becoming an actor is not enough '.' They kick up a racket 13 years, but their friendship loving story takes place,It's an interesting ridiculous film.

Mobilize 5.2 million viewers' record, "My Brutal Female Teacher," the two main characters Xiangyu and Hena King will react for the "Youth Comic"It is a comic film which makes you laugh, cry.The film will be on show on March 23.


I think "naked marriages" is not a good idea, and too extravagant is not neither. The key point is the economic capacity. At least one honey moon travel should be taken even the money is not enough. As for where to travel is up to the money, anyway one person should have a good memory in the life.


中文:长须老人模样的魔王型数码兽,“七大魔王数码兽”之一。存在于作为恶魔巢穴的黑暗区域的中心部,操纵堕天使型数码兽们无恶不作。觊觎网络内存在的所有财宝,为满足物欲不择手段,为了一点点财宝便杀掉数码兽、性格贪婪而残忍。除了堕天使型数码兽外,连究极体的死亡兽也能轻易操纵的,七大魔王中首屈一指的狡猾策略家。必杀技是将数码兽诱惑到无法生还的地狱,使之邪恶化的魔杖「死亡诱惑Death Lure(死亡之诱惑/饵之意)」,将黑暗区域的邪恶能量一齐解放并烧尽一切的爆破「暗狱殿破灭Pandemonium Lost(破灭之意)」。另外,贝利亚吸血魔兽的必杀技「暗狱殿火焰Pandemonium Flame」,不过是这个能源量极少的一部分罢了。 英文:One of the "Seven Great Demon Lords", it is a Demon Lord Digimon which has the appearance of a long-bearded old man. It resides within the core of theDark Area, theden of demons, and manipulates Fallen Angel Digimon to carry out evil to its limit. It is obsessed with all of the treasure which exists within the Network, so out of avarice, and regardless of the means, it has a cruel personality with a greed that would kill Digimon just for a piece of treasure. It is the foremost and most cunning schemer of the Seven Great Demon Lords, and can easily manipulate the UltimateDeathmonin addition to Fallen Angel Digimon. Its Special Moves are using its demonic staff "Death Lure" to tempt Digimon into an inescapale living hell, converting them to wickedness, and unleashing all of the Dark Area's evil energies at once as an ultra-high-temperature explosion that burns up everything without a trace (Pandæmonium Lost). Furthermore, evenBelial Vamdemon's Special Move "Pandæmonium Flame" only releases a small fraction of these energies.日文:长い髭の老人の姿をした魔王型デジモンで“七大魔王デジモン”の一体である。悪魔の巣窟であるダークエリアの中心部に存在し、堕天使型デジモン达を操って悪の限りを尽くす。ネットワーク内に存在するあらゆる财宝に执着し、物欲のためならば手段を问わず、一欠けらの财宝のためにデジモンを杀す强欲で残忍な性格である。堕天使型デジモンの他に、究极体のデスモンを造作もなく操る七大魔王屈指の狡猾な策略家でもある。必杀技は生きては戻れない地狱へとデジモンを诱い、邪悪化させる魔杖『デスルアー』と、ダークエリアの邪悪のエネルギーを一斉解放し、全てを焼き尽す超高热爆破『パンデモニウムロスト』。尚、ベリアルヴァンデモンの必杀技『パンデモニウムフレイム』でさえ、このエネルギー量の极一部でしかない。

