
时间:2023-06-10 07:50:48编辑:奇事君


1990.9-1994.7 中国人民大学,国际经济学士


1995.9-1998.7 美国俄亥俄州立大学,统计学硕士, 市场营销学硕士

1998.9-2000.7 美国俄亥俄州立大学,市场营销学博士


2000.7-2002.6 美国加州大学Riverside分校 助理教授

2002.7-2008.8 美国纽约大学 助理教授

2008.9-2010.8 美国纽约大学 副教授

2010.9至今 美国南加州大学 教授


American Marketing Association, 会员, 1998年至今

INFORMS, 会员, 1998年至今

American Statistical Association, 会员, 2001年至今

Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Associate Editor(副主编), 2010年至今

Marketing Science,Editorial Board(编委成员), since 2007

Journal of Marketing Research, Editorial Board(编委成员), 2010年至今


社会网络营销, 互联网营销, 搜索广告, 贝叶斯实证模型




2005年被美国营销科学协会(Marketing Science Institute)评为最有成就的年轻学者


Yang, Sha, Yi Zhao, Tulin Erdem, and Ying Zhao "Modeling the Intra-Household Behavioral Interaction,"Journal of Marketing Research,forthcoming.

Ghose, Anindya and Sha Yang "An Empirical Analysis of Sponsored Search in Online Advertising,"Management Science,forthcoming.

Moe, Wendy and Sha Yang (2009), "Inertial Disruption: The Impact of a New Competitive Entrant on Online Consumer Search",Journal of Marketing, 73 (1), 109-121.

Chen, Yuxin, Sha Yang and Ying Zhao (2008), "A Simultaneous Model of Consumer Brand Choice and Negotiated Price"Management Science, 54(3), 538-549.

Chen, Yuxin and Sha Yang (2007), "Estimating Disaggregate Models Using Aggregate Data via Augmentation of Individual Choice,"Journal of Marketing Research, 44(4), 613-621.

Yang, Sha, Livia Markoczy and Min Qi (2007), "Unrealistic Optimism in Consumer Credit Card Adoption,"Journal of Economic Psychology, 28, 170-185.

Yang, Sha, Vishal Narayan and Henry Assael (2006), "Estimating the Interdependence of Television Program Viewership Between Spouses: A Bayesian Simultaneous Equation Model,"Marketing Science, 25(4), 336-349.

Bradlow, Eric, Bart Bronnenberg, Neeraj Arora, David Bell, Sri Devi Deepak, Frankel ter Hofstede, Catarina Sismeiro, Raphael Thomadsen, and Sha Yang (2006), "Spatial Models in Marketing",Marketing Letters, 16(3), 267-278.

Gilbride Tim, Sha Yang and Greg M. Allenby (2005), "Modeling Simultaneity in Survey Data," (Lead Article),Quantitative Marketing and Economics,3, 311-335.

Yang, Sha and Priya Raghubir (2005), "Can Bottles Speak Volumes? The Effect of Package Shape on How Much to Buy" (translated and published in RAM, a leading French marketing journal),Journal of Retailing, 81(4), 269-281.

Allenby, Greg, Tom Shively, Sha Yang and Mark Garratt (2004) "A Choice Model for Packaged Goods: Dealing With Discrete Quantities and Quantity Discounts,"Marketing Science, 23(1), 95-108.

Yang, Sha, Yuxin, Chen and Greg M. Allenby (2003) "Bayesian Analysis of Simultaneous Demand and Supply," (Discussion Paper),Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 1, 251-275.

Fennell, Geraldine, Greg M. Allenby, Sha Yang and Yancy Edwards (2003), "The Effectiveness of Demographic and Psychographic Variables For Explaining Brand and Product Use,"Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 1, 223-244.

Yang, Sha and Greg M. Allenby (2003), "Modeling Interdependent Consumer Preferences,"Journal of Marketing Research, 40(3), 282-294.

Qi, Min and Sha Yang (2003), "Forecasting Consumer Credit Card Adoption: What Can We Learn About the Utility Function?"International Journal of Forecasting, 19, 71-85.

Allenby, Greg, Albert Bemmaor, Vijay Bhargava, Francois Christen, Jackie Dawley, Peter Dickson, Yancy Edwards, Geraldine Fennell, Mark Garratt, Jim Ginter, Alan Sawyer, Richard Staelin, and Sha Yang (2002), "Market Segmentation Research: Beyond Within and Across Group Differences",Marketing Letters,13(3), 231-241.

Yang, Sha, Greg M. Allenby and Geraldine Fennell (2002), "Modeling Variation in Brand Preferences: The Roles of Objective Environment and Motivating Conditions,"(Lead Article),Marketing Science, 21(1), 14-31.

Yang, Sha and Greg M. Allenby (2000), "A Model for Observation, Structural, and Household Heterogeneity in Panel Data,"Marketing Letters, 11(2), 137-149.


杨沙教授的研究在营销科学研究领域与实践领域都有很大的影响力。在杨沙教授博士毕业至今10余年期间,一共发表了21篇国际期刊论文,其中15篇发表在Management Science, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Quantitative Marketing and Economics等顶级A类的期刊中。杨沙教授的研究论文有着很高的引用率,根据ISI Web of Science的统计,杨沙教授的论文在过去几年间已经被引用120余次。根据Google Scholar的数据,杨沙教授的论文被引用近400次。杨沙教授于2005年被营销科学研究院评为新星学者,是营销科学领域与管理科学领域的顶尖研究学者之一。从科研服务上,杨沙教授多次为MSI 和NET (Networks, Electronic Commerce, and Telecommunications)研究院提供相关的研究服务,也因此获得了多项研究基金的支持。目前杨沙教授是Quantitative Marketing and Economics期刊的副主编(Associate Editor),也是Marketing Science 和 Journal of Marketing Research 期刊的编委成员,同时还是其它一些顶级期刊如Management Science的活跃评审之一。

杨沙教授还具有丰富的教学经验,担任过商学院各层次的教学任务(本科生,MBA, Ph.D.)。目前她正在Marshall商学院讲授本科生营销管理的核心课,博士生的计量模型课程等。杨沙教授所培养和合作的几个博士生也已经拥有良好的教职,如Vishal Narayan (目前是康耐尔大学的讲师),Zheyin Gu (目前是纽约州立大学的讲师),Yi Zhao (目前是佐治亚州立大学的讲师)。杨沙教授还应邀在多个知名大学做过学术报告,如芝加哥大学、康耐尔大学、杜克大学、密歇根大学,加州大学伯克里分校、南加州大学、德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校等。杨沙教授与国内的高校在研究和教学上也有着密切的合作,2009年夏天,杨沙教授在长江商学院做了1个月左右的短期讲学,并在北京大学、清华大学、复旦大学与西南交通大学等做过多次有关互联网市场营销的学术报告。

杨沙教授有着15年左右的咨询实践经验,曾经与Visa International, the Limited, Miller Brewing Company, HP, Pepsi Co, Linen and Things, Google, Nielsen Media Research,CBS, TVB, TNS, Campusfood.com, Epinion.com.等公司有过合作的经验。杨沙教授曾经帮助百事公司开发了计算面板调查数据中潜在偏差的算法,还和很多广告公司(例如McCann Ericson)合作,帮助他们优化媒体投入的组合预算。杨沙教授目前正在与淘宝网合作开发一个优化赞助搜索广告排名的算法,还与很多国内的企业如海南航空、中国移动以及大众点评网等有着良好的合作关系。

